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Jisung giggled as the phone rang. Everyone was sitting on the living room floor in a circle. The plate of cookies that was once full was now down to about two and half a cookie on the plate. And a nearly empty bottle of alcohol beside the plate.


❝ Minmin~ I miss you~ ❞ Jisung then began to cry.

❝ I miss you so much~ It hurt when you left. . . It hurt me and the baby. . . ❞ Tears began to roll down his cheeks. The rest just sat there listening to the conversation, too drunk to offer an help to Jisung.

❝ Minmin, please come back, I didn't cheat on you. . . I didn't know he would be like this Minmin. . . ❞ There was a silence. Then the phone call was cut. Jisung dropped his phone and began to cry. Chan crawled over to Jisung and hugged him very gently.

Felix then came and joined the hug. Jeongin giggled and went over to join as well, with Seungmin following. Hyunjin moved closer to join as well, and not wanting to be left out, Changbin joined.

About ten mintues past of them just staying in that embrace. The front door opened, and they just assumed it was Jisung's parents.

❝ Jisung. . . ❞ Everyone released each other and turned to see Minho panting at the door way.

❝ Jisung. . .I believe you. ❞ Jisung stared at Minho, before bursting out crying.

❝ Minmin~ ❞ Everyone moved away as Minho approached Jisung. Minho dropped to his knees beside Jisung and pulled him into a gentle hug.

❝ It's okay, I believe you. ❞ Jisung shook his head.

❝ No. . . I'm gross and filthy. I let him kiss me in front of Minmin! How could you still love me? I'm not worthy of it~ ❞ Jisung whined crying into Minho's shoulder.

❝ Don't ever say that Jisung. I didn't leave because I didn't love you. I just needed to clear me head. Jisung I promise you that no matter what, I'll always love you. Remember? In our next life, in the after life, and forever. ❞ Jisung hiccupped.

❝ Minmin. . . dinosaurs are blue. . .❞ Minho furrowed his brows. However, everyone else bursted out laughing. Jisung also began to laugh. Minho eyes widen.

❝ Jisung are you drunk! ❞ Jisung shrugged. Minho furrowed his brows.

❝ Jisung the baby! Are you crazy! Do you know what that could do to our baby! How much did you drink! ❞ Felix threw his arm around Minho.

❝ Relax it was only like. . . 10 shots? ❞ Minho's eyes widen. He shrugged Felix's arm off of him.

❝ 10 shots! Jisung are you insane! ❞ Jisung began to cry at the sudden shift of mood.

❝ Don't yell at me, I don't like it! ❞ Chan began to get back to his senses with all the yelling.

❝ Minho. . . stop, the more you stress him out the more you'll hurt the baby. ❞ Chan said, lightly putting his arm on Minho's shoulder.

❝ What further damage could I do that he hasn't already done! I trusted him! ❞ Jisung felt nauseous. He was unable to hold it in long enought to go to the bathroom and threw up on the floor in front of him, dangerously close to Minho. Minho immediately moved away.

❝ Minho. . . please clear your head before you do something you'll regret and never be able to make up for. ❞ Minho looked at Chan with a cold hard glare. However Chan offered him a light smile.

Minho sighed and stood up. He looked at Jisung who was crying hysterically on the floor.

❝ Jisung. . . look I'm sorry. I'm sorry this relationship has turned toxic and I'm sorry for yelling at you. But please promise me you won't drink anymore. . . and I promise I won't yell at you. ❞ Jisung slowly stopped crying.

❝ Promise? ❞

❝ Promise. ❞ Jisung slowly stood up. Minho helped him.

❝ How could you take care of a baby if you yourself are a baby. ❞ Jisung giggled. The tense mood vanished.

❝ Bees scientifically shouldn't be able to fly! Their wings are too small to carry their fat little bodies! ❞ Everyone turned to look at Jeongin.

❝ But they said screw science! And they fly! ❞ Minho sighed. He picked up Jisung gently and carried him to their shared room.

He came back to the living room, to see Jeongin curled up on the couch sleeping. Everyone was passed out on the floor except for Chan.

❝ I'm sorry. ❞ Minho sat beside him.

❝ You have nothing to apologize for. ❞

❝ But I should've stopped Jisung from drinking. I shouldn't have given into the moment. ❞ Minho shook his head.

❝ That isn't your fault. We all give into the moment at some point, how else do you think we ended up here? Besides, Jisung isn't your responsibility, he's mine. And I'm not saying that to. . . you know. . . rub it in. . . ❞ Chan shook his head.

❝ I get what you mean. But it's just, you feel responsible for someone you've been watching grow. I've seen Jisung go through so much and I just feel as if I need to care for him. Not as a lover, clearly, but as an older brother. ❞ Minho hummed. He then chuckled.

❝ You're drunk and you still manage to hold a good conversation. ❞ Chan shrugged.

❝ I mean. . . who do you think told Jeongin about the bees and their wings. ❞ Minho smiled.

❝ Thank you Chan. We really are lucky to have you. ❞

❝ And I'm luck to have them and you guys. ❞ Chan's eyes slowly began to close. He layed on the floor and drifted off to sleep.

Minho looked at the pictures on the wall. His eyes landed on the photo of Changhee. Sorry for yelling at your Mommy, I hope you can forgive me. . . I promise you. . . I promise you I'll become a better and greater person. . . I'll protect Minhee and Jisung. . .

Minho looked away and sighed. He stood up and turned off the lights as he walked back to the bedroom. He opened the door, his eyes immediately landing on Jisung's sleeping figure. He smiled.

❝ I love you. ❞

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