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Minho rushed to the hospital after receiving a call from there. His heart was pounding and his thoughts were all over the place.

He parked car quickly and ran into the building. He talked to the receptionist, who directed him towards the back of the hospital.

There he was met with the rest.

❝ Where is he? ❞ Felix bit his lip.

❝ They just took him in, we aren't allowed any further than here but you and his parents are. ❞ Minho nodded. One of the doctors came out, Minho walked over to them.

❝ Are you the significant other of Han Jisung? ❞ Minho nodded. The doctor smiled.

❝ Take a deep breath. Is this your first child?  ❞ Minho hesitated to answer.

❝ No. . . but it's just as special. ❞ The doctor smiled.

❝ Follow me, they were just preparing everything. Mr. Han is alright. ❞ Minho nodded. He followed the doctor inside. Everyone else gave him small smiles of reassurance.

❝ Just in here. ❞ Minho entered the room. It was a lot warmer and the air was tense. Minho walked towards the bed slowly. As soon as he saw Jisung he rushed to his side.

❝ I'm here. ❞ Minho reached out and gently took Jisung's hand. Jisung gave him a soft smile. He was sweating and was breathing rather heavily.

❝ Minho. . . I'm sorry. . . If I don't make it─ ❞

❝ Don't say that! You'll make it! We'll have a perfect family and we'll live somewhere beautiful. We'll have a beautiful wedding and everyone is going to be there. Felix, Seungmin, Jeongin, Hyunjin, Changbin, Chan, your parents and Yeonji and her husband. ❞ Jisung smiled. He gripped onto Minho's hand. The nurses and doctors finished preparing.

❝ Take a deep breath Mr. Han. ❞ Jisung held onto Minho's hand and shut his eyes. This is it. . .

The loud cries of the baby filled the room. Jisung's tight grip on Minho's hand loosened. Minho looked at Jisung. His eyes widen.

❝ Quickly! Take him to the emergency room! ❞ There was chaos. People ran and yelled. Minho simply stared at Jisung limp body. Please. . . please Jisung we're so close. . . Don't go now. . .  Don't ever go. . .

❝ Sir, I'm afraid that you can not go with him, but your child is in the nursery at the moment. One of my nurses will bring you there. ❞ Minho nodded. A nurse stepped forward.

❝ Right this way sir. ❞ Minho followed her. She lead him past a crowd of people into a hallway less crowded. When she turned and smiled Minho's eyes widen.

❝ Chaehwa? ❞ The nurse furrowed her brows in confusion. She stared at Minho.

❝ Minho? ❞ Minho nodded and smile spreading across his face.

❝ No way! ❞ Chaehwa hugged Minho tightly.

❝ Bro I never knew you moved here! Why didn't you tell me! ❞ Minho tapped her shoulder. She quickly released him.

❝ You changed your number. ❞ Chaehwa froze for a bit before laughing.

❝ Oh yeah, I forgot about that. But honestly I haven't seen you since the last year of highschool! So you married? ❞ Minho shook his head.

❝ Our wedding is soon though, it's April the thirteenth. ❞ Chaehwa hummed.

❝ Your future husband is very beautiful. His so doll like. ❞ Minho's gaze was directed to the floor.

❝ Will he. . . will he be alright? ❞ Chaehwa smiled.

❝ Of course! No one's gonna die! By the way, your daughter is right there. She's the one without her name filled out. Speaking of which, have you guys thought of a name? ❞ Minho hummed.

❝ It's Minhee. ❞ Chaehwa smiled.

❝ That's a cute name! Any particular reason for that name? ❞

❝ It's a bir personal. ❞

❝ Oh sorry, didn't mean to step over the line. Well, if you need anything else just call me. Here's my number. ❞ Chaehwa took out a piece of paper from one of her pockets and scribbled down her number. She handed it to Minho and left.

❝ See ya. ❞ Minho waved at her. Chaehwa had became his friend about a month after he moved, before he met Jeonmin. She was there for him a lot and even told Minho he was like her little brother, a little brother she lost after her parents divorced.

Minho looked at Minhee and placed his hand on the glass. Minhee looked perfectly fine. Thank goodness. . .Don't worry Minhee, soon your mom will be here.


Jeonmin groaned in pain. Her malnourished body couldn't support the weight of the baby. She feared it might die. It was already a miracle the baby and her have lived for three months.

For the moment she was taken to a place slightly better than her cell and the food was slightly better as well.

Jeonmin placed her hand over her stomach, feeling the soft kicks.

❝ Soon. . . soon you'll be with people who'll love and care for you. They'll give you with world, something I can't and will never be able to give you. And I'm doing this because I love you. ❞ Jeonmin recieved a soft kick on her hand as a response. She smiled softly.

Happy Holidays

~피터 팬 🌸

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