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The next morning, Minho and Jisung went to the hospital again. They sat patiently waiting for the results. Jisung's heart was beating at an abnormal pace. Minho held onto his hand. The door opened and the doctor stepped inside.

❝ Mr. Lee. . . Mr. Han. . . congratulations! ❞ Jisung's eyes widen. He covered his mouth with his hands as the tears began to roll down his cheeks. Minho smiled widely, his tears clearly glossy.

❝ The results came in positive. In eighteen to twenty weeks we'll be able to determine the gender of your child at your second ultrasound. ❞ Jisung nodded. He already knew the routine, for obvious reasons. However, Minho was now extremely nervous.

❝ What can I do to help him through out the pregnancy? ❞ The doctor chuckled at the anxious Minho.

❝ You don't need to worry. Everything will come to you as time goes by. The best thing you can do is stay by Jisung's side. ❞ Minho nodded. He turned to Jisung and smiled widely.

❝ This is it. We're going to be a complete family again. ❞


About two weeks went by. Jisung was currently with Felix, Hyunjin, Jeongin and Seungmin. They were all at Hyunjin's place.

❝ So this is it. You're finally getting your baby! ❞ Jisung nodded happily.

❝ How do you feel? ❞

❝ Extremely happy! ❞ Felix grinned.

❝ I bet. Ah, I remember when we were having Hyujoon. Chan was really on edge, always worrying about every small thing. Heck, he would barely let me use the bathroom by myself! ❞ Felix laughed foundly at the memories.

❝ Changbin was like that too! He was so uneasy all the time, it was so strange to see him so nervous, it was so cute! ❞ Hyunjin patted his stomach.

❝ Oh! And how he would sing to the baby! That was the cutest! ❞ Seungmin and Jeongin looked at each other. They smiled softly. They both knew at the moment they weren't ready to have a child, but they do know that when they are ready they'll have one.

❝ It's natural for all of them to be uneasy and nervous. After all they, and you, are first time parents, they would want everything to be perfect and alright with the baby. ❞ Seungmin stated. Felix and Hyunjin nodded.

❝ But I feel like Jisung won't have those problems. I mean, he knows what he's doing he's already had a child. ❞ Jisung nodded.

❝ Yeah, but it seems like Minho doesn't really understand that. I love his effort to keep the baby safe and all, but sometimes it's a bit too much. Like Felix said, it's to the point I can't even use the restroom by myself. ❞

❝ Maybe try telling him that. I'm sure he's just nervous about the baby. ❞ Jisung nodded.

❝ Anyways, how about we start talking about the baby shower. ❞


When Jisung arrived home, every light in the house was off. Minho and Jisung still lived apart. Jisung still lives with his parents, and Minho lives alone not too far. However, Minho spends so much time in the Han residence, that he basically moved in, which is why Jisung calls his bedroom his shared room with Minho.

Jisung opened the front door. It was about one am.

❝ Where have you been? ❞ Jisung jumped at the voice. He turned to look into the living room to see the faint outline of Minho's body.

❝ I was with Felix, Hyunjin, Jeongin and Seungmin. We were at Hyunjin's house. ❞

❝ Did you walk home? ❞

❝ Of course not, Hyunjin dropped me off. ❞

❝ Do you know what time it is? ❞

❝ One. . . Why is that important? ❞ Minho stood up.

❝ Because you should be asleep by now! You know that you should be getting as much sleep as possible. ❞

❝ Minho relax. I've had a baby before. One day of staying up late won't kill me. Besides─ ❞

❝ No. Go to be right now. ❞ Jisung frowned. However, he didn't want to argue so he began to climb up the stairs. He noticed that Minho hadn't moved.

❝ Aren't you going to join me? ❞

❝ No. I think I'll head home. ❞ Jisung furrowed his brows, but decided to stay silent. He heard the front door open and closes. Jisung sighed and continued to his room. That was. . . strange.


When Jisung woke up, he was greeted with the smell of freshed back pancakes. Jisung stretched out a bit and got out of bed. He easily and swiftly moved and walked out of his room. He walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

❝ Hey Mom. ❞ Mrs. Han turned and smiled.

❝ Minho dropped by, he told me to tell you to be more careful. What's that about? ❞ Jisung's eyes wuden, remembering he had forgotten to tell his parents about the child.

❝ Oh. . . um. . . Mom, it kinda slipped my mind so please don't get mad at me. ❞

❝ Why would I get mad at you? You didn't murder anyone right? ❞

❝ What no! It's just that. . . Minho and I are having another child. . . and I sorta found out two weeks ago. . .❞ Mrs. Han dropped everything in her hands. The spatula crashed against the floor.

❝ You what?! And you didn't tell me?! Jisung I am your mother?! Did you tell your father?! ❞ Jisung shook his head.

❝ This is unbelievable! My own son! ❞

❝ Sorry I just forgot. ❞ Mrs. Han sighed shaking her head.

❝ Just eat. ❞

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