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Warning : Death of character


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Weeks past by quickly. Jisung and Minho have grown closer, and Changhee has seemed to become happier. However, there are times he becomes upset because Minho and Jisung leave him at home with Felix and Chan to go on a date night.

Speaking of Felix and Chan, they have found out they had more in common with each other than just being heartbroken. Hyunjin and Changbin have also been getting along quite well. There relationship was very different from Felix and Chan's, from the way they express love to the way they handle arguments [ since Hyunjin blows things way out of proportion ].

Seungmin and Jeongin have actually been hanging out more as well. Seungmin helps Jeongin with his homework and has even walked him to school. They seem to be hinting to a possible relationship, but Jeongin always denies anything is happening between them.

Today, however, is a particularly off day. Chan had longer lectures than usual, Felix was working, Hyunjin and Changbin had gone off somewhere, Jeongin had school and Seungmin was also working. Jisung was still in class by the time it was time to pick Changhee up, and Minho was stuck in traffic, since his job required him to go to the town over.

Jisung tried to ask his parents, but got his phone taken away. Chan, who shared a class with him, also tried to reach Jisung's parents, but they were at work. Jisung began to panic. Yeonji would look after him. . . she always stays after school. . .

Indeed Jisung was correct, Yeonji noticed right away Changhee was one of the last kids left, when he is usually one of the first to leave.

❝ Changhee, where are your parents? ❞ Changhee shrugged.

❝ I'll give them a call. ❞ Yeonji only had Jisung's number so that's who she called. She frowned when he didn't pick up. Strange.

It was then an unfamiliar car showed up. The window rolled down and a lady was revealed. Her hair was messy, her eyes were red. Yeonji immediately tried to pull Changhee away from the car.

❝ Auntie! ❞ Changhee avoided Yeonji's hand and ran to the car.

❝ Changhee wait! ❞ Yeonji grabbed his arm.

❝ Are you sure you know that lady? Do your parents know she's picking you up? She doesn't seem well, lets wait for your Mommy or Dada. ❞ Changhee pulled his arm away.

❝ It's fine Yeonji- noona she's my Auntie! She took care of me before. She promised Mommy nothing bad would happen to me. ❞ Yeonji hesitated.

❝ Let me walk you to the car. ❞ She took his hand and walked over. Jeonmin's eyes glistened seeing Changhee.

❝ Sorry to bother you, but does Minho or Jisung know you are picking Changhee up? ❞ Jeonmin nodded. She held up her phone showing Minho's messages with her, in which she asked for permission and he said yes. However, it wasn't Minho's number, but of course Yeonji didn't know that because she didn't have Minho's number to prove other wise.

❝ Okay then. . . ❞ Yeonji was still hesitant.

❝ Bye Noona! Auntie can we go get ice cream? ❞ Jeonmin smiled.

❝ Of course we can. ❞ Changhee closed the door and put on his seat belt. He waved at Yeonji, who didn't know whether to wave back and let him leave or take him out and keep him close. The car sped off leaving her no buffer zone to work with. She decided to text Jisung informing him about who Changhee was with.

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