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Two months have past. Jisung and Minho decided that it was time to move into a home together and so they did. About a week after moving in, they threw the baby shower. It was quite a mess, and Hyunjin was partly to blame.

Currently, the couple and baby Minhee are sitting on the couch watching a movie. Minhee once in a while got distracted from the movie and would move around in Jisung's arms, but she would settle ranther quickly after five minutes.

There was a loud knock on the door, drawing Minhee's attention. Minho got up and walked to the door.

❝ Is this where Lee Minho and Han Jisung live? ❞ Minho nodded. The police man handed Minho a small baby carrier basket, which obviously contained a small baby.

❝ His name is Haeyeon. ❞ Minho took the baby carrier from the officer.

❝ Thank you. ❞ The officer bowed and then turned to leave. Minho stepped back into the house and closed the door.

He walked into the living room and set the baby carrier on the small table right in front of the couch. Minhee stared at the other baby.

❝ Is that. . . Jeonmin's baby? ❞ Minho nodded.

❝ He's a boy and his name is Haeyeon. ❞ Jisung smiled. He handed Minhee to Minho and picked up Haeyeon. Haeyeon was quiet, and his eyes were almost completely black, there was small white twinkles that appeared because of the reflection of the light.

Haeyeon was also noticable a lot thinner than Minhee, and a lot colder.

❝ He's freezing! ❞ Jisung held him closer. Haeyeon's small hands rested on his small stomach. He simply stared at Jisung.

❝ Minho could you turn on the heater. ❞ Minho nodded and left with Minhee, who was trying to keep her eyes on Haeyeon.

When Minho came back, Haeyeon had fallen asleep in Jisung's arms.

❝ We have to get him proper clothes. ❞ Minho nodded.

❝ We can shop for him tomorrow. Why don't we ask Felix to drop off some of Hyujoon's old clothes for now. ❞ Jisung nodded. He made his way over to his phone, that was on the couch and called Felix.

After about sixteen minutes, Felix arrived with Hyujoon and Chan. Chan carried a small box with him filled with Hyujoon's old clothes and shoes. There was also some old blankets.

❝ Here take it all! ❞ Felix said taking the box from Chan and placing it on the floor. Hyujoon ran to Minho and looked at Minhee.

❝ She's so cute! ❞ Felix walked over to Jisung and smiled.

❝ He's a lot smaller than most babies. What's his name? ❞

❝ Haeyeon. ❞ Felix smiled.

❝ Hello baby Haeyeon~ ❞ Haeyeon stirred in his sleep. Jisung smiled.

❝ Well, if you need anything else give me a call. We are going down to the market. ❞ Jisung nodded.

❝ Will do. ❞

❝ Oh Jisung! Hyunjin was talking to me the other day. He has a lot of old clothes from Yeoseok, and he's more than willing to give them to you for Minhee. If I were you I'd take them cause they're all name brands. You know how Hyunjin is. ❞ Jisung giggled.

❝ Of course. Well, I'll see you later Felix. ❞ Felix smiled and began to leave with Chan. However, Hyujoon refused to go.

❝ I wanna stay with the babies~ ❞ Felix sighed.

❝ We can visit tomorrow if Jisung lets us but right now we need to go. All our coupons will expires tomorrow and I need to get those offers! ❞ Hyujoon sighed. He waved at Minho and Jisung and left with his parents. Minho went to close the door after them.

❝ Well, looks like we won't have to do as much shopping as we thought. ❞ Minho said looking at the box that was over flowing. Jisung nodded.

❝ That's good, it saves us money. ❞ Minho laughed.

❝ Yes it does. How is Haeyeon now? ❞ Jisung looked at the small baby.

❝ His temperature is better. I guess he was tired. ❞

❝ We should head to bed as well. ❞ Minho said. Jisung nodded. Minhee's eyes were still locked on Haeyeon.

❝ You know, I can't tell whether she likes him or not. ❞ Minho hummed looking down at Minhee.

❝ Well, we'll find out when they're older. ❞ Jisung sighed.

❝ I just hope they'll be calm. ❞ Minho nodded.

❝ Well, lets go to sleep. ❞


Minhee layed on the bed staring at the ceiling. She reached out her hands to try to touch it. Beside her was Haeyeon, who was asleep. Jisung was sitting at the corner of the bed watching the two.

❝ Why won't she go to bed? We tried reading, singing and we tried to feed her! ❞ Minho just stared at Minhee.

❝ I don't want to put the blame on anyone but if someone hadn't drank while they were pregnant then maybe Minhee would be asleep right now. ❞ Jisung's gaze dropped.

❝ I'm sorry. ❞ Minho pulled Jisung into a hug.

❝ No, I didn't mean to make you feel guilty. It's alright Jisung. Let's just overcome this as well. ❞ Jisung hummed.

❝ Here, you go to bed and I'll stay up to watch her. ❞ Jisung frowned.

❝ But you have to work tomorrow. ❞

❝ And you need rest. I'm not going to argue with you Jisung. Now go to bed. ❞ Jisung kissed Minho's cheek and smiled.

❝ Thank you. Now lets rearrange the positions the babies are in so we can actually go to sleep. ❞ Minho nodded. He walked over and picked up Minhee, who began to giggle. Jisung gently picked up Haeyeon.

They moved the covers and Jisung climbed in with Haeyeon. He layed Haeyeon beside him and smiled.

❝ Goodnight Minho. ❞

❝ Goodnight Jisung. ❞

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