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Jisung and Minho waited patiently for the doctor to come back with the pregnancy results. Minho held onto Jisung's hand. Jisung smiled softly.

The door opened slowly and the doctor came in with papers in his hands.

❝ I'm sorry Mr. Lee and Mr. Han, but the results came back negative. ❞ Jisung's smile dropped. Minho squeezed his hand softly.

❝ Thank you for your time doctor. ❞ Minho slowly stood up. He saw that Jisung was still processing what was said so he decided to pick him up bride style. Jisung's hands instinctively wrapped around Minho's neck. Minho bowed his head and exited the room.

As he walked down the hallway, Minho saw Jisung's eyes become watery.

❝ Don't cry, we'll have more chances. We'll have that child no matter what. ❞ Jisung nodded, he wiped his tears away with the sleeves of his sweater.

❝ Let's go home and eat something. ❞


Hyujoon and Yeoseok ran around the living room. Hyujoon giggled loudly as Yeoseok ran into Hyunjin's arms. Felix smiled widely at his son.

❝ So how was the visit? Are you pregnant? ❞ Jisung's smiled dropped.

❝ I. . . ❞ Jisung's eyes began to tear up.

❝ No. . . I'm not pregnant. . .❞ Felix's gaze soften. He placed his hand over Jisung's. Yeoseok, who was sitting on Hyunjin's lap, noticed Jisung's mood drop.

❝ Uncle Jisung~ Look! ❞ Jisung looked over at Yeoseok. She reached out and wiped away Jisung's fresh tears that were falling. She smiled brightly, a smile that resembled that of Hyunjin's.

❝ Uncle Jisung. . . everything will be alright. Papa and Mama tell me so. ❞ Hyujoon said coming to sit by Jisung's feet. Felix nodded.

❝ Who wants to bake cookies! ❞ Hyunjin said, standing up with Yeoseok in his arms. Hyujoon jumped up.

❝ Me! ❞ Hyujoon sped off into the kitchen. Hyunjin and Yeoseok followed after him. Felix stood up and extended out his hand towards Jisung.

❝ Come on. ❞ Jisung looked at Felix's outstretched hand. He smiled and took it. Felix pulled him up.

❝ Trust me Jisung, you'll have that child. ❞ Jisung nodded. They walked into the kitchen.

❝ So what names are you thinking of? ❞ Jisung looked over at Hyunjin.

❝ What? Don't tell me you are planning to have a child without having names in mind! ❞ Jisung's eyes widen.

❝ No! I have a name. . . Minhee. . . ❞ Hyujoon furrowed his brows.

❝ Minhee? Why Minhee? ❞ Felix glared at Hyujoon.

Don't be rude. ❞ Hyujoon frowned.

I just wanted to know.

❝ It's fine. I chose Minhee because. . . because it's the shortest combination of Minho's and Changhee's names. ❞ Hyunjin sighed dreamily.

❝ That is true love~ Say, when will you get married? ❞ Jisung froze.

❝ Honestly. . . I don't know. We are having another child. . . I kinda forgot that we had to get married still. ❞ Felix snorted.

❝ How do you forget you need to marry someone! ❞ Yeoseok and Hyujoon were now getting baking sheets out.

❝ Can we make cookies now~ ❞ Yeoseok whined. Hyujoon nodded.

❝ Please~ ❞ Felix, Hyunjin and Jisung laughed.

❝ Yes, we'll get started. ❞


Minho arrived home after work. The house was quiet. He walked into the living room after taking off his shoes.

❝ Jisung? ❞ Jisung's small figure rose from the couch.

❝ Minho? You're home! ❞ Jisung stood up ans rushed to him. He hugged Minho tightly. Minho instantly hugged him back.

❝ What have you been up to all day? ❞ Jisung shrugged.

❝ Felix and Hyunjin came over with the kids, we baked some cookies! ❞ Minho placed a kiss on Jisung's forehead.

❝ Let's get some rest. ❞ Jisung nodded. They walked up to their shared room.

As they got ready to sleep, Jisung stripped in front of Minho. Minho couldn't help but stare. Jisung noticed and became flustered.

❝ W─why are you staring? ❞ Minho shurgged.

❝ How could I not. You're so damn beautiful, my eyes are just drawn to you. ❞ A light pink dust spread across Jisung's cheeks.

❝ Well. . . well stop! It's embarrassing. ❞ Minho smirked.

❝ I could just take you right now. ❞ Jisung's eyes widen.

❝ What. . . No! Minho my body still hurts~ ❞ Minho snickered.

❝ I was just joking. . . unless. . . ❞ Jisung put on his night wear and walked to the bed.

❝ No. ❞ Minho pouted. He climbed into bed.

❝ Minho. . . are you mad. . . because I won't have sex with you? ❞  Minho hugged Jisung.

❝ Of course not! Jisung, I respect you. If you say no, then we won't do anything. I wouldn't do anything to you without your consent. Besides relationships aren't just built on having sex, it's built on much more than that. ❞ Jisung smiled.

❝ Thank you. ❞

❝ Any time. ❞

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