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That afternoon, Minho came by to check on Jisung. He brought him some flowers and they decided to watch a movie. Everything was fine. Untill Jisung recieved a call from Chan.

❝ Excuse me. ❞ Jisung answered the call and exited the living room. When he came back, Minho gave him a look that he just know he'd have to tell him about the call. The air became colder and the mood was tense.

❝ He was just asking if we could take care of Hyujoon for the day since they want going to the arcade in the east edge of the town to relive old times. ❞

❝ And what did you say? ❞

❝. . .yes. ❞ Minho shrugged.

❝ When are they dropping him off? ❞

❝ In about two hours. ❞ Minho nodded.

❝ Do you want anything to eat? ❞ Jisung shook his head.

❝ Nah, I ate a while ago. Anyways, wanna watch something else? ❞

❝ Like what. ❞

❝ Like a horror movie! ❞

❝ Jisung you don't like horror movies. ❞

❝ How would you know? Just put one on and we'll see. ❞ Minho smirked.

❝ Alright then. ❞


Felix knocked on the door. There was a loud scream followed by a laugh that came from the inside of the house. Hyujoon looked at Felix confused.

❝ Is someone getting murdered? ❞

❝ I hope not. ❞ The door opened revealing a scared Jisung.

❝ Oh. . . it's just you guys. ❞ Felix nodded.

❝ You know Hyujoon's schedule right? ❞ Jisung nodded.

❝ Okay, thanks a lot bro. I'll see you later tonight. ❞ Jisung nodded, opening the door wider for Hyujoon to slip inside. Felix gently hugged him before leaving.

Jisung then closed the door sighing in relief.

❝ So Hyujoon, what do you wanna play? ❞ Hyujoon took off his shoes and placed down his toy trucks.

❝ Tag! ❞

❝ Alright─ ❞

❝ I don't think so. ❞ Jisung and Hyujoon turned to look at Minho, who was standing at the door way of the living room.

❝ Why not Uncle Minho? ❞

❝ Yeah why not Minho? ❞

❝ Because you can hurt the baby if you crash into a wall or a piece of furniture. I'm not risking that chances of the baby being hurt. ❞ Jisung frowned.

❝ Minho nothing is going to happen to the baby it'll be fine. Don't you trust me? ❞

❝ I do, but I just want our baby to be safe. ❞ Jisung sighed.

❝ Fine, why don't we play hide- n -seek? ❞ Hyujoon nodded.

❝ I'll hide first! ❞ Jisung smiled. Hyujoon ran off into the house.

❝ Minho, I know your uneasy and nervous about this baby, but everything will be alright. We'll have a healthy baby alright? ❞ Minho nodded.

❝ I just don't want anything to happen to you or the baby. I don't think I'll be able to handle it if you or the baby got hurt. ❞ Jisung smiled softly.

❝ It'll all go perfectly. ❞ Minho smiled.


After about an hour of playing hide- n -seek, Hyujoon got tired. He wanted to sit on Jisung's lap, however Minho prevented him from doing so.

❝ Minho it's fine. Hyujoon isn't going to hurt the baby. ❞ Minho shook his head.

❝ No way, you never know. What if he has a night terror and begins to kick? ❞ Jisung rolled his eyes.

❝ Minho trust me. Hyujoon's tired right now, he's our priority. Felix trust us with him. ❞

❝ So what, Hyujoon's more important than our child? ❞ Jisung's eyes widen.

❝ What? I never said that, Minho your being childish. ❞ Minho harshly released Hyujoon, giving him a slight push. Hyujoon tripped over his own feet and fell over.

Jisung glared at Minho.

❝ What is wrong with you! Minho, could you please relax. Everything will be fine! Taking care of another child doesn't mean I don't love our own. So please, just calm down. ❞ Hyujoon stood up with tears in his eyes. Jisung took his hand and gently pulled hin towards himself.

❝ There there Hyujoon, Uncle Minho is sorry okay. He's just tired too. ❞ Minho stood up and left to the kitchen. Jisung sighed and picked up Hyujoon. He placed Hyujoon on his lap and allowed Hyujoon to fall sleep soundly.

Minho didn't come back, and Jisung decided to give him some space. It's natural for Minho to feel stressed, but Jisung just wished he had a bit more trust in him. I know what I'm doing Minho, I would never hurt our child.

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