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Jeongmin threw up into the toilet. She held her stomach. She knew exactly what was wrong with her. She was pregnant.

She moved herself away from the toilet and sat against the wall. She closed her eyes. I'm sorry. . .


Minho layed in his bed. He didn't know what to do at this point. He trusts Jisung and wants to believe him. But there is evidence supporting both sides of the story and he just couldn't seem to be able to differentiate reality and illusion.

There was a knock on the door. Minho stood up and walked to the front door. The air was cold, and when Minho opened the dooe it omly got colder. Behind the door were two police men.

❝ Are you Lee Minho? ❞ Minho nodded. One of the police men cleared their throat.

❝ We came here to tell you that Jeonmin has gotten pregnant. . . The child can't stay in prison with her, and she said that she'd like to give it to you and your partner. However if you decline, the child will proceed to go to foster care. ❞ Minho froze. He thought for a bit. He knew that if he declined and Jisung found out, Jisung would be upset.

❝ We accept. ❞ The police man nodded.

❝ The baby will be brought to you a week after it's born. ❞ Minho nodded. The police men bowed before leaving. Minho bowed and closed the door. He sighed.


The police showed up to take Yujung away. Chan and Changbin had called them shortly after they arrived.

❝ Come on Jisung, let's go make some cookies! ❞ Jisung stood up wearily. He followed Felix into the kitchen where the rest were waiting.

❝ Hey, remember when Jeongin nearly burnt down the house because he forgot to set a timer! ❞ Jeongin frowned as the rest laughed.

❝ Or when Hyunjin took off his shirt and covered himself in flour then started running around and his parents walked in! ❞ Hyunjin's cheeks turned red remembering how disappointed his parents were.

❝ Or when Felix thought it was a good idea to wear cookie dough as slipper and ended up making a mess on the kitchen floor, and his parents nearly fainted when they saw! ❞ Felix turned to look away. Why was I so stupid?

❝ Or when Seungmin tried to microwave the cookie dough and nearly exploded the place. ❞ Seungmin looked down. I was an idiot.

Jisung smiled.

❝ Thanks guys. ❞ Chan and Changbin were going to leave because they didn't want to intrude on their little tradition, but Jisung stopped them.

❝ Come on, we are all basically family here. Let's make this a family tradition. ❞ They smiled and nodded.

❝ So first order of business. What kind of cookies are we making? ❞

❝ I found some marshmallows. . . I don't know if we can do something with them. . . or maybe I should just put them back. . . ❞ Jeongin gently placed the marshmallows down.

❝ I don't know about you guys but I saw something that caught my eye the other day. ❞ Hyunjin went to one of the cabinets and opened it revealing wine and alcohol bottles.

Everyone exchanged glances. Everyone was of age to drink.

❝ Mixing just one into the dough wouldn't hurt. ❞

❝. . . fine. But if my parents find out we are so dead. ❞ Hyunjin rolled his eyes.

❝ We are responsible full grown adults. ❞ Felix snickered.

❝ Oh yeah, so responsible. ❞ Hyunjin opened the bottle and dumped it into the dough. Seungmin's eyes widen.

❝ Are you crazy! ❞ Hyunjin nodded and threw the bottle away. Jeongin looked at the dough and shrugged. He then proceeded to put in a handful of marshmallows.

❝ There, now mix. ❞ Seungmin sighed and did as told. Jeongin smiled and took out the baking sheets to prepare the pans.

❝ We should try to cut them into hearts or something. ❞ Chan suggested. Felix nodded.

❝ That'd be fun! ❞ Changbin shook his head.

❝ No, not in a million years. Last time Hyunjin tried to cut something, he sent the knife flying and nearly killed Yeoseok. ❞ Hyunjin glared at Changbin.

❝ I think it's an excellent idea that we shall follow. ❞ Hyunjin said, picking up a knife. Changbin gulped and smiled.

❝ Then again, I'm sure he has improved! ❞ Hyunjin smiled.

❝ Alright, let's make some hearts. ❞ They completely forgot about one small [ big ] detail, and that was that Jisung was pregnant. Everyone felt as if they took a trip to the past. They felt as if they were still in highschool, but this time all together.


Minho layed in bed staring at his phone. He wanted to call Jising and inform him about his decision, but at the same time he was too afraid and heartbroken.

He just wished that there was some way to just clear everything up and go back to the moment where they were the happiest people alive. Everything will be alright. . . if I keep repeating those words then they'll come true. . . Everything will be alright. . . but why does it feel like everything is fall apart.

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