🌸Valentine's Day Special

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тнιrd p.o.v.

Han Jisung walked to the swings. The
floor was covered in fresh snow.
His cheeks were a rosy red from the cold
but he wanted to play on the rusty swings.

He climbed onto them. Taking soft breathes
that appeared before him as some kind of
mystical smoke. Once he successful sat
himself on top of them, he tryed to swing his legs back and forth to get himself to move.

However, nothing worked. He groaned in

❝ Do you need help?❞
Jisung looked up, locking eyes with the boy
before him. Against the dull and white colors
his blue scarf and brown eyes stuck out. His brown hair stuck out against the blue colors
of the elementary building.

He was practically glowing. Jisung's mouth slightly opened in amazement. He was
awestrucked by the beautiful boy before him.

The boy also seemed to be in equal
amazement. He felt himself getting lost in Jisung's eyes.

Something within them seem to change.

The boy began to giggle.

❝ It's quite cold to be playing out on the swings. ❞
Jisung frowned.

❝ But I want to swing. ❞
The boy walked around to stand behind Jisung. Jisung followed him with his eyes, turning his head to keep and eye on him.
The boy smiled.

❝ I'll push you then.❞
Jisung felt his body move forward.
He felt the pressure of two small hand appear and disappear on his back.

❝ I'm Lee Minho.❞
Jisung let out a shaky breath. Feeling the cold wind hit his face with greater force the higher he got. He wasn't sure why he liked to
play on the swings when he was terrified
of heights.

❝ Han Jisung. ❞
Minho noticed Jisung's eyes grow slightly anxious as he sang by. He'd stop pushing Jisung and had stepped aside to watch.

❝ Do you want to get off? ❞
Jisung shook his head.
Minho frowned, clearly seeing the frightened
look that took over Jisung's face.
He reached out his hand and grabbed the rusty chains. He dug his heels into the snow to prevent himself from falling over.
The swing came to a stop.

❝ Thank you.❞
Jisung softly said.
Minho smiled.

❝ Let's play something inside.❞
Jisung nodded.
Minho began to head towards the building.

❝ Minho. ❞
Minho turned around.

❝ I can't get down. ❞
He laughed. Jisung pouted.

❝ Please help me down. ❞
Minho wiped away his icy tears. He walked towards Jisung and grabbed his hips.
He looked up and Jisung before
softly pulling him down.

Jisung sighed, relieved to get off the swing.
However he knew that he'd come back
to play on them again.

❝ Jisung. . let's be friends.❞
Jisung looked up at Minho.

❝ Forever friends? ❞

❝ Forever friends. ❞
Something in them clicked as they stared at each other. That soft warm feeling,
regardless of the cold environment, spread
through them. It was almost as if the feeling
was telling them that they were on the right
path, that they did something good.

❝ Minho. . .do you have that warm feeling too? ❞
Minho hummed. He held out his hand, and Jisung took it.

❝ If you were to have a kid and name
it what would you name it?❞
Minho thought for a bit.

❝ Changhee.❞

❝ Why? ❞

❝ Because I like the name. ❞

❝ Oh.❞

❝ Why the sudden question? We still have a long long time until we get married to someone. ❞
Jisung shrugged.

❝ My mom's friend is having another child
and they were talking about names. I began to think about what name I would like but I couldn't think of any. ❞
Minho hummed.

❝ Like I said. . . we have a long long time until we get married. . . and even longer until we have kids.❞

❝ Minho.❞

❝ What?❞

❝ I like the name Changhee. ❞

I hope everyone has a good Valentine's day.

~피터 팬🌸❤

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