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Felix and Jisung arrived at the movie theater ten minutes before the movie starts. They were in line to buy some popcorn when Felix spotted someone familiar.

❝ Isn't that Bang Chan? ❞

❝ What? Where? ❞ Jisung looked around excitedly. Felix smirked.

❝ Look at Little Jisungie so excited to see his little boyfriend outside of school. ❞ Jisung blushed and tried to act cool.

❝ What! No! I'm just. . . I'm just making sure he doesn't see me because you're here and you'll embarrass me. ❞

❝ I'm hurt! You think me, you're best friend, would do something to ruin you're chances with your crush?! ❞ Jisung gave him a look that just said " Yes because that's just what you're going to do ".

❝ Really, would a best friend do this. ❞ Felix got out of line and walked towards the front of the line. Jisung watched him anxiously, mentally praying that Felix was mistaken and would end up in that embarrassing situation where you pretend to actually be taking on the phone and not to the person you thought was someone else.

But those prayers weren't answer, for when he looked again he locked eyes with those beautiful chocolate brown ones. Jisung gulped feeling his face heat up. He looked away.

❝ Excuse me, your next. ❞ Jisung bowed apologetically to the person behind him and went to order. Felix then came running back to order. Jisung glared at him, but he pretended to not notice.

Onced they finished. Felix turned to Jisung.

❝ Guess who was the bestest friend ever and got a certain someone a date with Mr. Bang Chan himself. ❞ Jisung looked at Felix.

❝ Me! I was that bestest friend! And you are that certain someone! ❞ Jisung's eyes widen.

❝ Are you for real? How did you even─ ❞

❝ No questions. But you can thank me later. ❞ Jisung sighed. They payed for their popcorn and walked to their theater room.

Right outside was the one and only Bang Chan, with his friend who Jisung recognized as Seo Changbin. Jisung grew nervous as they walked closer to them.

❝ Alright this is how it's gonna work. Me and Changbin sit where Chan and Changbin were originally going to sit. And Chan and Jisung will sit where me and Jisung were originally gonna sit, understand? Great now lets go in because the movie is gonna start in like three minutes. ❞ Felix handed Chan his tickets and grabbed Changbin's sleeve.

❝ I hope you have the tickets. ❞ Changbin nodded still confused on what is happening. Felix then dragged him into the theater room.

Chan and Jisung looked at each other. Jisung didn't know what to say.

❝ Shall we go in? ❞ Jisung nodded softly. Chan smiled.

❝ You're so cute. ❞ Jisung blushed and tried to hide his face as they walked in. The lights were already off. Jisung made his way up the steps to their seats. Chan followed behind.

Jisung prayed that he wouldn't do anything stupid, but of course his luck was just as bad as Felix's ability to hold ten muffins at the same time. He miss stepped and ended up tripping over his own feet.

He closed his eyes waiting for the impact. However two strong arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him back.

Jisung felt his face heat up, not even caring that half of his popcorn was in the floor.

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