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Eight years later. . .

Minho placed the last box into the trunk of their car. His girlfriend climbed into the passenger seat and buckled up. Minho closed the trunk and walked to the drivers side of the car.

❝ This is it. Say good bye to this old house. ❞ Minho said as he opened the door and climbed inside.

❝ Oh come on Minho. You know you'll miss it. The weird creaking of the floor boards and the freakishly cold gust of wind that would run through the house if even a centimeter of the window was open. Oh! And the best part, not being able to open the cabinet right in the corner without opening the oven all the way. ❞ Minho rolled his eyes playfully shaking his head.

❝ Oh yeah, I'd definitely miss that in our new perfect home. ❞ She laughed.

❝ Well, how about our memories. Like the time you tried baking cookies and nearly set the house on fire. Or the time our neighborhood came complaining to our front door that our curtains don't match the color of our house. ❞ Minho sighed started the car.

❝ Yeah, well we could always make new ones. And maybe ones that are less annoying. ❞ He muttered the last part remembering how he had to stand at the door listening to the elder lady for two hours.

❝ That may be true but. . . we can never recreate the day we became one. ❞ Minho froze.

❝ We were so young and inexperienced. Remember? ❞ Minho stared at the steering wheel. Of course he remembers his first time, but it's wasn't with her. No it was with someone else, someone who's still engraved in his heart. But he couldn't tell her that, so he lied.

❝ Of course. . . how can I ever forget. ❞ For her it may have been her first time, but for him it shouldn't have been his second time.

❝ Well! Onwards with our trip! I can't wait to see how your hometown has changed. And maybe if we decide to move again, we can move to my hometown! ❞ Minho nodded. He then began to drive.

It was quite a long drive, but a peaceful one. They sang along to songs that played on the radio, and would play road games. They occasionally stopped at resting areas to take pictures or use the restroom. But soon they began to approach Minho's hometown.

Minho began to grown uneasy as they drove by a familiar hotel, that look much older but was still in business unbelievably. They drove past the familiar school  and the familiar shopping center. It only changed a little with the addition of new houses and stores but that's about it.

They drove into a neighborhood and all the way to the end, where a beautiful peach colored house awaited them.

❝ It's perfect. ❞ Minho smiled as he girlfriend stepped out of the car as soon as it stopped  marbling at the house.

❝ Jisung wait! ❞ Minho froze at the familiar ring to the name. He snapped his head around to see two young kids running around one of the neighbors front lawns. He let out a heavy breath.

❝ Is everything alright? ❞ Minho turned to see his girlfriend staring at him. Worried clearly show across her face.

❝ Oh yeah. ❞

❝ Good! Because now we need to unpack out few items we have! ❞ She ran to the trunk of the car and opened it. She pulled out a box and began to carry it to the front porch.

❝ Let's move everything to the porch first and then bring it inside. ❞ She called out. Minho followed her example.

❝ Jisung! ❞ This voice was different. It didn't belong to the same boy from before, and the giggles from the children before had faded. This voice was much deeper and more mature.

Minho turned to see a boy around eighteen standing at the front door of a house about two houses down. The door was open widely.

❝ Jisung look! I got us ticket to see that new movie! ❞ The boy excitedly waved the tickets in front of the now visible male.

❝ That's great Felix! ❞ That voice. It still had that childish ring to it. It was still the same just more mature. Minho felt his stomach turn as Felix moved away from the door fully revealing Jisung.

❝ Impossible. ❞

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