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Jeonmin arrived home late at night. She walked into the kitchen as saw a hotdog left on the table. Beside it was a picture. She furrowed her brows. She gently picked up the picture and looked at it.

The picture fluttered to the floor as she ran to look for Minho. She pushed the door to their shared bedroom but saw no sign of Minho. She ran into the living room to see a box opened. Written on it was the word : MEMORIES.

Beside the open box was a wooden box. It belonged to Minho, and he never let her open it. However the lid was off and her curiosity, as well as suspicion, was getting the best of her.

She bit her lip as she dropped to her knees and picked up the box. There was a ton of pictures and small accessories. She placed the box down not wanting to believe what she saw. She picked up a necklace with a single key as its charm. She looked at all the pictures in the box. She dropped the necklace back inside when she heard the front door open. She quickly stood up.

❝ Minho! Where were you, I was looking for you! ❞

❝ I was just getting some fresh─ ❞ Minho's eyes caught sight of the wooden box behind Jeonmin.

❝ Did you open that! ❞ Jeonmin turned and looked down at the box.

❝ What? No! I would never touch something that's yours without your permission! You know that. ❞ Minho then remembered Changhee holding Jisung's picture.

❝ It was probably Changhee. Sorry I didn't mean to snap at you. ❞ Jeonmin shook her head. She felt guilty for partly lieing to Minho. But she didn't want to fight with him.

❝ It's fine. You have the right to get mad. I mean, I would get mad too if I saw someone snooping around in my privacy. ❞ Minho smiled softly. Jeonmin cleared her throat.

❝ So is the hotdog in the kitchen for me? ❞

❝ Oh. . . yeah, just make sure to warm it up. ❞

❝ Um. . . Minho, there was a picture on the floor beside the table─ I didn't look at it! I just. . . I just thought I'd let you know. ❞ Minho walked into the kitchen. He quickly picked up the picture. And made his way back to the living room entrance.

❝ Thanks. I'll be upstairs if you need me. ❞

❝ Sure thing love. ❞ Minho then left, not saying a word back. Jeonmin sighed. She then smiled to herself.

❝ It's nothing. I shouldn't make a big deal out of nothing. Besides. . . he loves me. ❞ But something in Jeonmin knew that she was only lieing to herself. She knew that Minho was lieing about his feelings, and had always been lieing about his feelings. But she didn't want to face reality.

❝ He loves me. ❞

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