
13K 660 958

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The clock on the kitchen wall ticked on, but time seemed frozen for Jisung. Changhee pocked at his food as he waited for an answer. Minho also waited for Jisung's response.

❝ Why don't we go out for ice cream today! It's a beautiful day! The three of us can go! How does that sound? ❞ Changhee's eyes lit up. Jisung glanced to the side towards Minho, who's eyes also twinkled with delight. Jisung looked back at Changhee's eyes, and realized just how similar they looked. Both held the universe in their eyes.

❝ Yay! ❞ Jisung smiled softly. Changhee left running to get ready. Jisung turned to Minho.

❝ Sorry, I didn't mean to just assume you didn't have any─ ❞

❝  No it fine! I would love to go with you two. ❞ Minho tried to seem calm, but his voice and eyes betrayed him. His voice sounded a bit too eager.

Jisung giggled.

❝ Alright then. Let me get ready. ❞ Jisung slowly got up. He stumbled a bit but went on his way. Minho could clearly see the limp, but said nothing, not wanting to think of the events from the night before.


The trio walked into the ice cream parlor. Minho held the door opened for both of them. The slight gesture made Jisung blush. Minho smiled poudly.

Changhee ordered two scoops of ice cream because he couldn't decide which flavor he wanted. Jisung knew Changhee wouldn't finish his ice cream so he ordered nothing. Minho ordered a milkshake.

❝ When I'm older Mommy, I'll make sure to buy you a big house! ❞ Jisung giggled, nodding his head softly.

❝ Then you and Dada could live there! ❞ Jisung froze.

Dada? ❞ Changhee hummed.

❝ Yes because Dada is coming back right? Dada has been gone for so long, I haven't even met him! And everyone at school teases me because I only have you Mommy. ❞ Minho frowned. He felt guilt eating him. He didn't know that his absence not only affected Jisung or himself but Changhee as well.

❝ They were so mean. ❞ Jisung furrowed his brows. It was the first time Changhee talked about school to him. He has asked Changhee about school, but Changhee always said his day was great or fine. He didn't like to go into much detail. Currently, Changhee had a two week break from school for the holidays, but he would be returning shortly. As for himself, his classes seemed to fluctuate. They were cancelled at times, scheduled to start early, or sometimes they would run late.

❝ Did you tell anyone else about this? ❞ Changhee shook his head. Jisung frowned.

❝ Baby, you should've told me. I'll have to talk to the principal. ❞ Changhee didn't say anything else and continued eating. Minho stared off into space.

When his father fell ill and he had to move, kids would tease him as well. At first, Minho thought of it as a joke, a way to lighten the mood to something serious. But those jokes began to go to far and soon people used it against him. He would lock himself in his room and cry all day. He began to distance himself from everyone and at school he had no friends. He did eventually learn to stand up for himself, but he remained friendless.

He couldn't begin to image how Changhee would react when thing get worst.

❝ How about I pick you up with you Mommy each day after school from now on. ❞ Changhee looked at Minho.

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