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Later that night, Jisung arrived home late. He had stayed back because he couldn't quite understand their new lesson so he had to ask for help. He found Changhee fast asleep. He smiled.

❝ Our new neighbor, Minho, past by asking for you. ❞ Jisung jumped at his mother's voice.

❝ He seemed rather impatient and worried. I really do think you should talk to him. ❞ Jisung shrugged.

❝ Honestly mom, I don't know. ❞ Mrs. Han looked at Changhee.

❝ Only about two days have past and for some reason you seem really tensed. Ever since those neighbors moved in. ❞ Jisung avoided his mother's gaze.

❝ Does it have to do with Changhee? The father perhaps? ❞ Jisung shook his head.

❝ Jisung, you still haven't told us who the father is! Please, I just want to help. I don't want to see you this unease. It hurts me as a mother and as a person. ❞ Jisung bit his lip. He's been trying to hide who Changhee's father was in hopes he'd forget him. But it seems fate has something else in store for him.

❝ It's nothing really. School has just been getting more difficult, and with Changhee to look after. I'm not sure if I can handle this for much longer. ❞ Mrs. Han frowned.

❝ You know me and your father will always be here for you. ❞ Jisung nodded.

❝ So about going to talk to Minho. ❞ Jisung sighed.

❝ I'll go talk to him. ❞ Mrs. Han smiled softly. Jisung walked back to the front door and slipped on his shoes. He the  processed to exit the house. He made his way over to Minho's house, feeling his heart ache more and more.

He knocked on the wooden door. Not a minute past before it flung open. Jisung was greeted with a half naked and wet haired Minho. Jisung gulped, heat beginning to rise to his cheeks.

❝ Do you greet everyone like this? ❞ Minho smirked.

❝ Only you. ❞

❝ Oh really? What about Jeonmin. ❞ Minho sighed.

❝ So my mom told me that you were looking for me. ❞

❝ I was. Please come in. ❞ Minho opened the door wider. Jisung hesitated to go inside.

❝ Could you please put on some clothes. ❞ Jisung said as Minho closed the door.

❝ Why? It's not like you haven't seen me naked before. ❞

❝ That was eight years ago. . . our bodies have. . . changed. ❞ Minho shrugged.

❝ Whatever makes you comfortable. Make yourself at home. ❞ Minho then walked off. Jisung let out a deep breath. He couldn't deny the fact that Minho looked hot, but he had to remember that Minho was taken, and he was as well.

❝ So about what you wanted to talk to me about. ❞ Jisung said as Minho walked back into the livingroom.

❝ Right. What you said at the ice cream parlor. Jisung, I want to know─ no  need to know what exactly is going on. ❞ Jisung bit his lip.

❝ Nothing! I was just ranting. ❞ Minho crossed his arms.

❝ Jisung, I know for a fact that you weren't just ranting. Besides when you rant  you say the first things that come to mind. So tell me, who is the father of Changhee. ❞ Jisung took a deep breath in.

The house was silent.

❝ Where's Jeonmin? ❞

❝ At work, don't try to change the subject. ❞ Jisung avoided Minho's gaze.

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