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Three months went by and Jisung's baby bump was really starting to show. Hyujin found it extremely cute and would often ask to touch it. Felix loved taking pictures with Jisung. Chan and Changbin helped Jisung the best they could. Seungmin and Jeongin admired Jisung and were also quite addicted to wanting to touch the baby bump.

Minho was now extremely on edge. He worried about every little thing. Jisung has done his best to try to stay away from trouble to lessen the stress Minho had, but it seemed that Minho was stressed no matter what. He over thought every small detail.

❝ Minho relax. Here give me your hand. You haven't felt your own child once. ❞ Minho moved away.

❝ No! What if I'm too rough! What if I end up hurting you! ❞ Jisung sighed.

❝ You won't Minho. Trust yourself. ❞ Jisung softly took Minho's hand and guided it towards his baby bump. He gently placed Minho's hand on it, and then rested his own hand over Minho's

❝ See, you're doing great. ❞ Minho's eyes widen when he felt the small kick. His eyes held small sparkes of joy.

Jisung's phone began to ring. Jisung glanced over at his phone, his eyes twinkled.

❝ Yujung. ❞ Minho frowned. Ever since Yujung began to text Jisung again, Jisung has never failed to express delight when Yujung's name pops up on the screen.

❝ Give me a moment Minho. ❞ Jisung exited the room with his phone. Minho sighed and fell onto the couch. I trust him. . . but why does it feel as if I didn't. . .


❝ Minho can you drive me to the café at the south side of town? ❞

❝ Why? ❞

❝ I'm meeting Yujung there. ❞ Minho frowned.

❝ Okay. ❞ Jisung smiled.

❝ Thanks! ❞ Jisung pecked Minho's cheek. Minho smiled softly.

❝ Let's get going. ❞ Jisung hummed.


Minho parked just outside the café doors. Minho got out and helped Jisung out. Jisung held onto Minho.

❝ It'll only take at most thirty minutes. And I'll be here the whole time. ❞ Minho nodded. Jisung smiled and left into the building. Minho bit his lip, debating on whether to follow him. He sighed. No. I trust him.


❝ Jisung! ❞ Jisung turned and saw Yujung. His eyes widen. Yujung had definitely grown and matured quite well. Suddenly Jisung felt self conscious about his appearance.

❝ Oh. . . hey Yujung. ❞ Yujung stared at him before smiling.

❝ Long time no see. Seems like a lot has chanced. I tried calling Lix but he said he was busy. ❞ Jisung chuckled nervously.

❝ Yeah, he's been pretty caugh up in his life but he'll come around. You know Felix. ❞ Yujung nodded.

❝ It seems like everyone around me has been getting married or getting into relationships. You'd think I would be married by now but I'm not. In fact I'm very much single. ❞ Yujung noticed there was no ring on Jisung's finger. He furrowed his brows.

❝ You're pregnant aren't you? ❞ Jisung nodded. Yujung quickly looked around.

❝ Come on lets sit. Would you like me to help you? ❞ Jisung smiled.

❝ That'd be nice. ❞ Yujung took Jisung's soft hand and lead him to a table. He helped Jisung sit comfortably. Did his partner leave him? Or did he forget to wear his ring?

❝ Have you found out what sex the baby is? ❞ Jisung shook his head.

❝ In a few weeks I'll be going to the hospital to get an ultrasound. I'll find out then. ❞ Yujung nodded.

❝ Any names? ❞

❝ Yeah. . . Minhee. ❞

❝ That's a cute name. ❞

❝ Thanks! So have you been talking to people lately. ❞

❝ Honestly after highschool, I decided that maybe it's best if I just focuse on my studies than popularity. It seemed people just liked me for my popularity cause everyone slowly began to leave me. ❞ Jisung frowned.

❝ That's. . . a shame. ❞

❝ How about you? Talked to anyone from highschool aside from me? ❞

❝ Yeah, Seungmin, Felix, Hyunjin, Jeongin and I are still friends! Best friends actually! ❞ Yujung hummed.

❝ Must be nice. Would you like something from here? I'll pay. ❞ Jisung smiled.


Thirty mintues went by, and like promsied Jisung came out of the small café. Yujung offered to help him out, but Jisung declined. As soon as Minho saw him, he went out to help.

❝ So how was the meeting?❞

❝ It was great! ❞ Minho took a breath.

❝ Jisung, there's something I'd like to ask you when we get home. ❞ Jisung nodded.

❝ Let's go. ❞


Felix peeked through the blinds.

❝ They're here! Everyone hide! ❞ Felix scurried away from the window. The lights were all off, and the house was pin drop silent. The front door opened. Minho and Jisung walked inside.

❝ So what did you want to tell me? ❞ Minho cleared his throat. He reached into his back pocket.

❝ Han Jisung, you make me the happiest person alive, dear God I don't know what I'd do without you. You're smile is the reason I live. ❞ Jisung covered his mouth as Minho got down on one knee. A small velvet box came into view.

❝ Please. . . let's spend forever together, so will you marry me? ❞ Jisung felt tears roll down his cheeks. Minho looked up at him with hopeful eyes, his eyes sparkling like the diamond on the ring.

❝ Yes! ❞ The lights flickered on. Everyone jumped out cheering. Jeongin began to scream, happily running around. Jisung's eyes widen, seeing how everyone popped out from behind the furniture and curtains. He smiled widely.

❝ About time! ❞ Hyunjin said, collapsing onto the couch.

❝ Thank god, I didn't know how much longer Hyujoon and Yeoseok could go without talking. ❞ Jisung giggled. Minho took his hand and slipped the ring on his finger.

❝ Alright, who wants cake? ❞ Felix walked into the kitchen and came back with a chocolate cake. Hyujoon and Yeoseok immediately ran to him. Jisung smiled widely. He placed his hand over his stomach. In a few months you'll be able to see all this too. . . and in a few more months, you'll be running around as well.

Jisung looked at Minho, who was already looking at him with a loving gaze. He blushed, but maintained eye contact.

❝ I love you. ❞

❝ I love you too. ❞

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