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Felix held Hyujoon's hand and pulled him along. They had taken longer than expected to get dressed and now they were running late to the wedding. Chan was already there because he had helped set up.

❝ Mom slow down~ ❞ Hyujoon whined.

❝ Never! I've waited this long to see Jisung get married and I'm not missing it! Plus it's not everyday you see Seungmin cry! ❞ Hyujoon sighed, trying to keep up with Felix.

They arrived at the wedding location, which was a small park by a lake. Jisung and Minho decided to get married at a park, because they felt like it suited them best.

Like the lake, their relationship was beautiful and held a lot of deep secrets that no one would understand unless they were with them from the beginning. Also the significant amount of green frok the trees and grass around allowed for the white to pop out more.

Felix and Hyujoon walked to the gaurd that was checking the invitations.

❝ Hyujoon where is the invitations. ❞ Hyujoon checked his pockets.

❝ Oh! I gave them to Dad. . . ❞ Hyujoon looked up at Felix.

❝ I'm going to cry! ❞ Felix then hastily took out his phone and called Chan.

❝ Chan, honey, listen to me. Do you have the invitations? ❞

Oh yeah.

❝ Great come to the gate, I'm literally gonna cry they won't let us in and I have to see Jisung get married! ❞ Chan chuckled.

Alright. You're lucky Minho dropped the ring after Changbin handed it to him and it rolled somewhere under the chairs. Everyone's going crazy trying to find it. I think Seungmin is ripping out the grass. ❞ Felix whined.

❝ Hurry! I can't miss this! ❞ Chan hung up, and Felix assumed that was because he was on his way. Felix awkwardly smiled at the gaurd.

❝ Mom. . . are you mad? ❞

❝ No baby just annoyed. ❞

❝ So you're mad. . . ❞

❝ No, annoyed. ❞

❝ Mad. . . ❞

❝ There is a difference! And if you don't stop maybe I will be mad! ❞ Hyujoon frowned.

❝ I told you, you're mad. ❞

❝ You know what─  ❞

❝ Felix! ❞ Chan came running with the two invitations.

❝ Sorry, they are with me, here are their invitations. ❞ The gaurd let Felix and Hyujoon through. Felix completely forgot about what had happened and ran towards the wedding area.

Indeed, everyone was up on their feet searching for the ring. Mr. and Mrs. Han were carrying Minhee and Haeyeon as Minho and Jisung looked through the grass, ruining their white suits.

Minho's parents unfortunately couldn't make it. His mother was in the hospital and his father was working full time.

❝ I found it! ❞ Yeoseok held up the ring, which was covered in specks of dirt. However it didn't stop the ring from shining brightly. Everyone sighed in relief.

Hyunjin took the ring from Yeoseok and gave it back to Minho. Jisung smiled in relief. Felix quickly came to him.

❝ I know it's not the right time, but I'm here! ❞ Jisung smiled at Felix.

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