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Felix and Jisung sat on the couch discussing what they'd do after the movie. Felix and Jisung had become friends on the second month of school. This was because Jisung had been absent for the first month of school for reasons. After that, Jisung was constantly being pulled out of school early. Felix, being the good friend he was, decided to bring Jisung his missing work and help tutor him.

Of course Felix wasn't aware of the reason why Jisung would get pulled out of school early, he just thought it was person problems, which wasn't wrong. When he first knocked on the door, it wasn't Jisung nor Jisung's mother who answered but a small boy.

He thought it was Jisung's little brother, until Jisung showed up and the boy yelled out : ❝ Mommy! There's a weird boy at our door!

At first Jisung tried to play it off. But  Felix wasn't that dumb. After a while, Jisung gave up and began to explain to Felix everything, leaving out the name of the person who was the father of the small child. It was silent between them afterwards, before Felix pulled Jisung into a big warm hug. He promised Jisung that he wouldn't leave him, and he'd help him care for the small child.

That was enough to make Jisung cry on Felix's shoulder. After that, Felix and Jisung became inseparable. Felix became the uncle, of the child named Han Changhee.

After they graduated highschool, they had formed a small circle of friends who included : Hwang Hyunjin, the very dramatic boy who always got into trouble for overeating  Kim Seungmin, a boy who was always on top of their class and was quiet at first but then became the human verson of Satan himself, and lastly Yang Jeongin, a sweet and innocent looking boy who was actually a demon working for Satan.

All three [ Seungmin, Hyunjin, and Jeongin ] learned about Changhee in different ways, however none knew the father, including Felix. But they all accept Jisung regardless, and promised to help him through this. Now all the boys are in college, with the exception of Jeongin who is still in his final year of highschool. They were still close regardless of their different goals in life.

❝ Mommy! ❞ Felix and Jisung froze. Changhee came running into the living room, as the front door closed.

❝ Changhee. . . what are you doing here? I thought you were going out with Grandpa for the whole day. ❞

❝ Sorry Ji, things came up and they need me back at work. ❞ Mr. Han said as he entered the living room to put all of Changhee's things down. Changhee jumped onto Jisung's lap.

❝ I'll get going now. Your mother will be home by dinner time. ❞ Mr. Han then left the living room, and soon the front door closed. Jisung looked at Felix worriedly.

❝ We can always go to the movies another time! I can just give the tickets to Seungmin─ ❞

❝ No. . . it's fine I'll think of something. ❞ There was a silence, then the doorbell rang. Changhee immediately went running to the door. Jisung ran after him. He had always tried to teach the boy not to open the door without check who it was first, but he just never seem to listen, almost like someone he knew.

Changhee swung the door open, almost falling over with all the force he pulled it with. Jisung quickly picked him up before he fell. The door revealed a relatively young and smiling woman. She was beautiful, Jisung couldn't deny that.

❝ Hello! I'm Soon Jeonmin. I just moved into the neighborhood and I made it my goal to greet all my neighbors. ❞ She said with a rather cheerful voice. She looked a bit older than Jisung, maybe two years older.

❝ Jisung who is it! ❞ Felix appeared walking out of the livingroom.

❝ Just my new neighbor. ❞ Jisung quietly said as Felix was now standing right next to him. There was an awkward silence that settled between them. Jeonmin took this time to examine them. She then squealed.

❝ What a cute family! Oh, I've always wanted a child but my boyfriend said we should take it slowly, which is true but I'm just growing impatient. What's his name? How old? You too seem relatively too young to be married or have a child. . . well that doesn't matter! As long as you two love each other! ❞ Jisung and Felix glanced at each other.

❝ We aren't married. . . and that isn't our child. We're just best friends! ❞ Felix added an awkward smile at the end.

❝ Oh! I'm so sorry for jumping to conclusions and making things awkward. I just thought. . . maybe I should just stop. It's was nice meeting you two! ❞ She politely bowed. Jisung and Felix also bowed, and she was then on her way to the next neighbor.

Felix closed the door.

❝ That was. . . interesting. ❞ There was a silence. Felix and Jisung then bursted out laughing. Changhee held onto Jisung tightly as he looked around confused.

❝ What's so funny? ❞ Jisung shook his head.

❝ Nothing baby. ❞ Felix then decided to check the time.

❝ Jisung we only have an hour before the movie, are you sure you don't wanna cancel? ❞

❝ No, I said I'll think of something and I will. ❞

❝ You know. . . she seemed rather happy to see Changhee, maybe we can ask her? ❞ Jisung stared at Felix. His eyes reflected his uncertainty.

❝ I don't know. I don't even know who they are! I don't wanna leave Changhee with just anyone. ❞ Felix shrugged.

❝ Then host a mini interview in this hour. If you don't feel like you fully trust them then we'll cancel and spend our night here. ❞ Jisung sighed. He really wanted to see this movie.

He had always struggled with this. Choosing between responsibilities and desires. He just wished he could live a normal life  but he never regretted having Changhee. Changhee had a way to lighten up Jisung's day. But as much happiness Changhee caused him, there was an equal amount of stress and sorrow.

❝ Then it's settled! ❞

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