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Jisung woke up with his lower back aching. Minho slept soundly beside him. Jisung smiled fondly. He looked towards the window.

❝ Jisung! ❞ Jisung's eyes widen. The voice of his mother was close.

❝ Jisung wake up! ❞ Minho slowly sat up rubbing his eyes.

❝ Jisung? What's that noise? ❞ Jisung hushed him.

It's my parents. ❞ Minho froze.

❝ Jisung come down for breakfast! ❞ Jisung winced as he tried to get out of bed.

What am I gonna tell them?! ❞ Jisung collapsed back into the bed.

❝ The truth. . . ❞ Footsteps could be heard approaching the door.

❝ Jisung? ❞ There was a soft knock before the door slowly opened. Mrs. Han was revealed slowly. Her eyes scanned the room, which had their clothes littered everywhere, before they reached the bed. Jisung layed with his face completely red. Minho felt slightly flustered.

❝ I. . . I'm sorry to. . .um. . . breakfast will be downstairs when you guys feel ready to get up. ❞ She quickly closed the door. There was a silence in the room.

❝ That was so embarrassing! ❞ Jisung whined as he placed a pillow over his face. Minho smiled.


Hyujoon knocked rapidly on the front door of the Han residence. Chan sighed.

❝ Hyujoon stop you'll hurt yourself. ❞ Hyujoon frowned.

❝ I'm a big boy! I saved Yeoseok from a bee! ❞ Hyujoon puffed out his chest in pride. Chan laughed.

❝ You are a big boy, but you aren't immune to pain. ❞ The front door opened revealing Minho.

❝ Uncle Minho! ❞ Hyujoon hugged Minho's legs.

❝ Where's Uncle Jisung? ❞ Minho avoided eye contact with Chan.

❝ He's. . . resting. ❞ Hyujoon frowned, but didn't complain any further.

As soon as Minho closed the door after letting Chan inside, there was another knock.

Minho went over and opened the door.

❝ Uncle Minho! Where's Uncle Jisung? ❞ Yeoseok looked past Minho's legs to see if Jisung was there.

❝ He's resting. . .❞

❝ Long night? ❞ Changbin piped in, a grin spread across his face. Minho became flustered. Yeoseok looked at Changbin then at Minho.

❝ Am I missing something? ❞ Changbin patted Yeoseok's head.

❝ No. ❞ Yeoseok shrugged and turned to Minho.

❝ Is Hyujoon here? ❞ Minho nodded. Yeoseok's eyes widen.

❝ How do I look? ❞ She twirled around showing off her new pink dress. Changbin sighed.

❝ You look fine. ❞ Yeoseok frowned.

❝ You guys can come in. ❞ Minho opened the door wider. Yeoseok ran inside. Changbin walked in.

❝ So what's this with "wanting to look good"? ❞

❝ It seems Yeoseok has developed a crush on Hyujoon. ❞ Minho began to laugh.

❝ That's funny. ❞ Changbin glared at him. They walked into the living room.

Hyujoon and Yeoseok sat in the middle of the living room floor. Chan was on the couch watching them play.

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