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The road to the ice cream parlor was full of cars. Jisung, Yeonji, Chan and Minho all decided to take one car. They stepped out noticing that there was no one in their cars. They began to run towards the intersection point.

There eyes widen seeing the amount of car parts everywhere, and the busted up truck. There were police officers closing off the place. There was an ambulance that took off just as they got there. Yeonji looked around to see a group of people she approached them.

❝ Excuse me, what happened here? ❞ An elder woman stepped forward.

❝ There was an accident. This lady crossed the intersection and that truck ran into the car. It seemed that the impact damaged some of the mechanics in the car, because seconds after it blew up! ❞ Yeonji's eyes widen.

❝ What happend to the people inside ma'am? ❞ The lady remained silent.

❝ Well, a lady escaped. . . but there was. . . there was still a small child inside when the car blew up. . .  ❞ Yeonji's heart sank.

❝ A small child? ❞ The lady nodded, tears in her eyes.

❝ We couldn't get him out. . . ❞ Yeonji bowed to the lady and ran back to the group, who were talking to an officer.

Jisung broke down crying. Minho instantly pulled him into a hug.

❝ So. . . it's true. . . Changhee. . . ❞ Yeonji felt tears run down her cheek. Chan looked away, not wanting to show his pain. Minho tried to stay strong for Jisung, but it was too much. He also began to cry and held Jisung tightly.

❝ Why would she. . . how could she! ❞ Jisung felt anger slowly take over him. He pushed Minho away.

❝ How could she do that to Changhee! Why would she do that! It was me she was after! Why the fuck would she bring Changhee into this! Why would she! ❞ Jisung fell to the floor crying. Minho also felt anger rise within him.

❝ I'm going to the hospital. Yeonji, Chan, take care of Jisung. ❞ Chan grabbed Minho's arm.

❝ Don't do anything stupid. . . I know the situation, but you can't do anything stupid that would get you in trouble. Jisung needs you, now more than ever. ❞ Minho stared at Chan, before pulling his arm away and leaving. Yeonji helped Jisung up to his feet.

❝ Let's follow him. Come on Jisung, you need Minho as much as he needs you. ❞


When Minho arrived to the hospital, he asked for Jeonmin.

❝ I'm sorry sir, no one is allowed inside unless it's a family member or a significant other. ❞ Minho slammed his hands on the reception desk.

❝ That women killed my child! ❞ The lady said remained silent not knowing what to say. The elevator opened and a wave of people came rushing out.

Among them were Felix, Chan, Seungmin, Hyunjin, Jeongin, Changbin, Yeonji and Jisung. Chan gently pushed Minho to the side to talk to the lady.

Felix lead Jisung to Minho, who quickly took him into his arms. Felix moved away from the couple. Chan came to them and they huddled around him.

❝ Well what she say? ❞

❝ If we want to go in we have to wait five hours. Right now Jeonmin is in critical  condition and only family and a significant other can go through. ❞ Hyunjin growled.

❝ When I get in there I'll─ ❞

❝ Shut up, you'll get us kicked out. ❞ Hyunjin glared at Seungmin, who glared back at him.

❝ How can you just tell me to shut up! She killed Changhee! His damn body was blown up! He's just bits and pieces! How the hell does she deserve to live! ❞ Jeongin stomped on Hyunjin's foot.

❝ Can you shut up! You think bring up Changhee at this moment is okay! Stop reminding us! We know! ❞ Jeongin then glanced at Minho and Jisung.

Minho was whispering sweet nothings into Jisung's ear, as they hugged each other tightly. In a way, Minho was also repeating those sweet nothings to himself, to calm himself down.

❝ Guys! We have five hours until we get answers. We need to think racially. If we barge in there making a scene, we could get kicked out and there is no way we'll get answers. ❞ Felix said looking at alk of thim.

❝ But until then. . . let's be here for those that need us most. ❞ Felix nodded his head towards Jisung and Minho, who were now sitting at a chair [ Jisung on Minho's lap ]. Chan nodded.

❝ He's right. They need us. . . and we can't let out own emotions get in the way of helping those who need us. There will be a time for all of us to express are emotions but now is not the time. ❞ Hyunjin frowned. Changbin gently rubbed his back.

I just don't get it. If that was our child that bitch would be dead right now. Fuck, I don't care if I go to jail, lock me up for all I care. . . as long as I know she's dead and payed for what she's done. . . I'd happily receive ever last consequence. ❞ Hyunjin muttered under his breath. Changbin frowned.

Calm down baby. If that was our child you'd be crying. The last thing you would do is kill her. ❞ Hyunjin rolled his eyes.

❝ Now let's do our best to comfort them. ❞ Changbin glanced over at Minho and Jisung, everyone else was around them, tell them that everything will be alright and that they would always be there for them.

All Jisung wanted at the moment, was to wake up from the nightmare, but alas it was reality.

I'll be seeing you all in court. . .❤🌸

~피터 팬🌸

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