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Jeonmin sat in the cold dirty floor. There was strange liquids on the floor beside her, and blood stains along with other unidentifiable stains decorating the floor.

Her hair was cut to a length just past her ears, and her eyes were dull. She didn't have a cellmate. The door opened.

❝ Number 489, up on your feet you have work to do. ❞ Jeonmin looked at the gaurd. Her body weakly got up.

❝ Is there anything I could do for you to get out of working? ❞ She bit her lip. She felt disgusted in herself. The gaurd remained expressionless.

❝ Follow me. ❞


Felix sat in the couch staring off into space. Hyujoon was now at school.

❝ Something on your mind? ❞ Felix looked at Chan.

❝ Yeah actually. . . remember how I told you about Yujung. . . well. . . he. . . he told me something. . . I just can't get it out of my head. ❞ Chan sat beside him. Felix rested his on Chan's shoulder.

❝ We promised to tell each other everything, no matter how little it was. ❞ Felix hummed.

❝ Well. . . it happend about two days ago. ❞

Flashback. . .

Felix slipped into the seat in front of Yujung.

❝ I got your text, what is it you wanted to tell me? ❞
Yujung cleared his throat.

❝ Well, it's something I've wanted to say since highschool. ❞
Felix furrowed his brows.

❝ Highschool? ❞
Yujung hummed.

❝ Felix. . . I like you.❞

❝ Oh. . . I. . . Yujung I'm married.❞
Yujung's eyes widen.

❝ R─really? ❞
Felix nodded.

❝  Oh. . . I didn't know.❞
Felix moved his hand foward revealing his ring.

❝ Is that all you wanted to talk to me about?❞
Yujung nodded. His phone then vibrated. Yujung checked it and smiled.

❝ Sorry, it's Jisung.❞
Felix hummed, aware that Yujung and Jisung were now in contact with each other.

❝ You know I've never noticed in highschool but Jisung's really cute.❞
Felix shifted in his seat, wanting to say something.

❝ He's also really funny.❞
Felix took a breath.

❝ Yujung I think you should know that Jisung─ ❞

❝ Sorry Felix I have to go now. Jisung and I made plans to meet up.❞
Felix watched as Yujung left. His eyes then widen. He stood up and ran after Yujung, but Yujung was long gone.

❝ Damn it. I hope he finds out soon before something happens.❞


❝ I really hope he didn't do anything to Minho and Jisung's relationship. ❞ Chan frowned.

❝ And you didn't tell anyone? ❞ Felix shook his head.

❝ It slipped my mind, until today because I saw him when I was driving back from dropping Hyujoon off at school. ❞ Chan held his hand.

❝ It'll be alright. If anything happens, we'll fix it. ❞ Felix nodded wiping away his freash tears.

❝ I hope nothing happens. ❞ Chan placed a kiss on his cheek.


The soft heartbeats echoed through the small room. Minho and Jisung looked at each other with tears in their eyes. Yujung closed his own eyes.

❝ Your baby seems perfectly healthy! ❞ Jisung smiled. The doctor cleaned off the jelly.

❝ You guys are free to go once you've changed. Tomorrow we'll have the ultrasound images printed, and a recording of the baby's heart beat. ❞ The doctor locked off of the company and left the room after bowing.

Yujung also stood up and left, after Minho glared at him.

Once Jisung finished dressing, they left the room.

❝ Jisung. ❞ Jisung turned and smiled at Yujung. Minho scoffed.

❝ Jisung I was wondering if you'd like to hang out with me today. ❞ Jisung bit his lip.

❝ Actually. . . ❞ Jisung's looked at Minho for help. However Minho didn't say anything. He wanted Jisung to say no without help, to make sure Jisung would be able to say no to other things that could get him into trouble.

❝. . . sure. ❞ Yujung smiled.

❝ Great! I'll see you in later! ❞ Yujung then left.

❝ Seriously. You couldn't even say no? ❞

❝ Minho it isn't a big deal. ❞ Minho glared at Jisung.

❝ No a big deal? What if he starts asking for other things? Will you be able to say no? ❞ Jisung remained silent.

❝ Tell me, would you be able to say no. ❞ Jisung felt tears roll down his cheeks. Minho scoffed and rolled his eyes.

❝ Crying isn't going to solve anything. ❞

❝ Can we please not fight? ❞ Minho looked around. Nurses passing by whispered to each other. Minho sighed.

❝ Let's go. ❞ Jisung followed Minho out into the parking lot.

❝ Minho. . . I'm sorry. ❞ Minho sighed.

❝ Don't apologize. . . Please don't. I. . . I'm just being an insecure and jealous boyfriend. ❞ Jisung smiled softly.

❝ Minho, I love you. If Yujung crosses over the line, I'll say no. Heck, I'll cut him completely out of my life. Don't worry. ❞ Minho smiled.

❝ I love you too. And make sure you take good care of that baby. I don't know what I'd do without either one of you. ❞ Jisung smiled.


Jeonmin layed on the cold floor. Tears rolled down her face. Her hair stuck out in every direction. She slowly sat up, her body aching.

❝ Get up. ❞ The gaurd grabbed Jeonmin's arm and roughly pulled her up.

❝ Get dressed and get out. ❞ Jeonmin did as told. She limped out of the room. She took a deep breath, and looked up at the sky. This is my life now. . . I have to do what ever I need to do in order to survive. . .

❝ What are you doing out of your cell! ❞ Jeonmin felt her world spin before she collapsed onto the floor. The night was cold, and the stars didn't shine brightly. I'm sorry. . .

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