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It has been two years since Changhee has past away. Jeonmin had gone to trial and was now being transferred to a jail at a city far from the small town.

Chan and Felix, who had gotten married the previous year, had a son by the name of Bang Hyujoon. Seungmin and Jeongin got into a relationship, and were quiet happy together. Hyunjin and Changbin, who got married a few months ago, also had a daughter named Seo Yeoseok, they also learned to handle their arguments better. Hyunjin learned not to over react for every little thing and learned to listen to the full story.

Jisung and Minho haven't quite gotten over Changhee's death. They visit his grave almost everyday.

❝ Minho. . . I miss him.  ❞ Minho pulled Jisung closer to him. They were laying in bed doing nothing.

❝ I know. . . I miss him too. ❞

❝ Do you think. . . do you think we can. . . we can have another. . . baby? ❞ Jisung whispered the last word almost as if he was scared of Minho's reaction. Minho smiled.

❝ As many as you'd like. ❞ Jisung felt his face heat up. His eyes then dropped.

❝ But wouldn't it be like. . . replacing him? ❞ Minho frowned.

❝ Don't think about it like that. He would've loved a younger sibling. Jisung, he is forever going to be in our hearts, no one will ever replace him. But if you keep holding yourself back, then you'll never move forward. ❞ Jisung bit his lip.

❝ Minho, I want another baby. But I'm so scared for something to happen to it. ❞ Minho hugged him tightly.

❝ Jisung, I'm here now and forever will be. I'm here to help you. ❞ Jisung smiled.

❝ Then can we have another baby? ❞

❝ We can try. ❞ Jisung nodded happily. Minho smiled widely that familiar feeling rushed through him. That feeling he felt way back when he finally asked Jisung out and confessed his love for him.

Flashback. . .

They were at the park.
Jisung was only eleven at the time.
Minho was thirteen.
They sat at a bench, eating ice cream.

Jisung looked at the many couples their age and frowned.

❝ Why is it that everyone is getting in a relationship and I'm still single? There are like five billion people on this planet and I can't find just one to love me. ❞
Minho giggled.

❝ I'm sure there is someone who loves you. ❞
Jisung turned to look at Minho with big puppy eyes.
Minho sucked in some air.

❝ Really?❞

❝ Well yeah. . . everyone finds someone eventually. ❞
Jisung sighed.

❝ I just wish they'd come sooner than later.❞
Minho glanced at Jisung.
He smiled softly.

❝ I'm sure they're closer than you think. ❞
Jisung furrowed his brows.

❝ Really? ❞
Minho hummed.

❝ Really.❞

❝ There where are they! Wait don't tell me. . . . . . I don't have a clue actually. ❞
Minho didn't say anything.
He was having an internal debate on whether to tell Jisung.

❝ Ugh! I'll never find anyone!❞
Minho frowned, not wanting Jisung to feel like this.
He took a breath and gathered some courage.

❝ Jisung. . . I love you!❞
Jisung looked at Minho and lightly laugh.

❝ Yeah. . . you're my friend, you kinda have to love me. . .❞
Minho rolled his eyes.

❝ No dummie! I love you. . . like. . . I wanna kiss you to death. ❞
Jisung blinked once.
Then twice.

❝ Wait seriously! ❞
Minho nodded.
Jisung felt his face heat up.

❝ This isn't a joke? Right. ❞
Minho shook his head.

❝ Nope. . . not a joke. Jisung I think when we first met I began to like you. And as time went on I relaized that. . . I loved you. ❞
Jisung looked away.

❝ Minho. . . you really aren't joking right? Because if you are stop it, I'm sensitive to this. But if your not joking then. . . then I love you too okay! I kinda developed a crush on you about two weeks after we met. . .❞
Minho smiled.

❝  So. . . will you be my boyfriend? ❞
Jisung froze.
He looked at Minho.

❝ This is happening for real right? ❞
Minho nodded, a smile spread across his face.

❝ Heck yeah I will! Minho do you know how happy I am right now! ❞
Minho smiled.
However, it faded away when he saw Jisung's ice cream slip out of his hands, and splatter on the floor.

Jisung's eyes widen, and became teary.

❝  My ice cream. . .❞
Minho immediately handed Jisung his ice cream.
Jisung took it reluctantly.

❝ Are you sure you don't want it? ❞
Minho smiled.

❝ Baby I'd give up everything for you.❞
Jisung blushed and looked away.
Minho chuckled.
His heart was warm and he was the happiest person alive.


Jisung and Minho layed in bed. The covers were over them and the moon was shining through the window. They couldn't sleep however.

❝ Minho? ❞ Minho hummed.

❝ Can we. . . can we try right now? ❞ Minho smiled.

❝ Whenever you want.❞ Jisung shifted to lay closer to Minho.

❝ I think. . . no I want to have another chance at a happy family with you Minho. ❞ Minho caressed Jisung's cheek.

❝ Then what are you waiting for? I'm right here. ❞ Jisung smiled. He stood up from the bed, allowing the cold air to hit his warm body. He turned to look at the window, his back now facing Minho. Minho's eyes twinkled with excitement as Jisung looked back at him over his shoulder.

Minho slowly sat up.

❝ I want you. ❞ Jisung slowly pulled his shirt over his head. Once it was fully off, he threw it off into a dark corner of the room. Minho smiled.

❝ God I'm so lucky. You're so beautiful in ever aspect. ❞ Jisung felt his cheeks heat up, but he refused to give into the embarrassment.

❝ Why don't you show mee tonight just how much you love me? ❞ Minho smirked.

❝ I'd be more than happy to. ❞

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