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After the party, Jisung didn't hear nor see Minho. He did receive a ten paged apology from Minho for the party incident. Which also adressed how even if Jisung doesn't want to, he will be mailing money to him to pay for child support. He goes on to say more, but Jisung could make it through without breaking down into tears.

He went from the highest point in his life to the lowest. The sun was going down, and Jisung wasn't in his right state of mind. His father was gone for work, his mother also was at work, and Changhee was fast asleep.

He remembered the alcohol bottle he had taken from Hyunjin was still in the kitchen cabinet. He made his way over there. He opened the cabinet and surely enough, the bottle was there.

He took it out and opened it. Taking a long sip of it his worries slipped away. He remembered that night at the college party, the first time he drank alcohol. He had tried to keep himself clean, because he wanted to set a good example for Changhee, but all the responsibilities and desires clashed together within him and he could no longer handle it. Chan happend to be there.

Chan. . . Jisung's thoughts drifted to him. Chan was always so sweet. He always cared for others and was so lovable. He was friendly, basically perfection. Why couldn't he be the father? Maybe then Changhee would be happier. . . maybe then it would be easier for all of us. . .

Jisung found himself stumbling to get his phone that was on the couch. With the empty bottle of alcohol in his hand, he picked up his phone and called Chan. Not even two seconds past before Chan picked up.

❝ Hello? ❞

❝ Chan please come over. . . I need you. ❞

❝ I'll be over in a bit. ❞ Jisung hung up. He collapsed onto the couch to wait.


Minho and Jeonmin haven't really talked since the birthday party incident. She was always going to work, and when she was home Minho had to work.

This time Minho had a bit of time to do whatever. He went to wash his clothes and when he was in the laundry room, he found his wooden box. He finished putting his clothes into the washer and picked up the box. He opened it and looked through the pictures.

He saw how happy they looked in each one. The wide smiles and sparkles in their eyes. He envied his past self, and their past relationship. I can't let it end like this. . . not like this at least. . . I know I promised, twice already actually. . . I haven't broken our first one, though I think I might if I don't break our second one. . .

❝ I'm sorry Jisung. ❞ He closed the wooden box. But I have to break our promise.

It was then he noticed a small jacket tucked away on one of the laundry shelves. He furriwed his brows and picked it up. The jacket was small, clearly for a child, and written on the tag was the name : CHANGHEE.

Minho thought back to the night he was babysitting Changhee. Changhee had taken off his jacket and gotten it dirty. Minho had put it to wash. When Jisung came to pick him up, he had intended to give it to him but it seemed that the encounter made his forget. And it seemed like Jisung also forgot. Chan wasn't aware of whether Changhee had a jacket or not when he came so he couldn't have know.

Minho sighed. He still had time to bring the jacket over, and maybe he could use this opportunity to talk to Jisung.


When Chan arrived, Jisung opened the door. He greeted Chan with a kiss on the cheek, and giggled. Chan noticed immediately by how giddy and red Jisung was that he had been drinking.

❝ Where did you get the alcohol? ❞ Jisung giggled.

❝ I took it away from Hyunjinnie~ because he was trying to give it to Innie during Changhee's birthday~ ❞ Chan lead Jisung to the couch.

❝ Jisung where are your parents? ❞

❝ Working~ Which means we basically have the house all to ourselves~ ❞ Jisung moved to sit on Chan's lap.

❝ Jisung your drunk. You're clearly not in your right state of mind. I'll stay to care for you, but I'll not touch you. ❞ Jisung pouted. He moved Chan's hand to his thin waist.

❝ Come on Channie~ Please~ ❞ Chan gulped. But he knew that he couldn't because it wasn't right to take advantage of someone clearly not thinking straight. He knew that Jisung would probably regret everything the next day if they did anything, and that's not what he wanted. He want their relationship to be one full of happiness and not regret. Chan removed his hand from Jisung.

❝ No is no Jisung. ❞ Jisung crossed his arms. He then turned to look at Chan.

❝ Chan, people always say when a person is drunk they speak the truth. Trust me i want you to fuck my brains out. . .❞ Jisung's voice trailed off as he stared into Chan's eyes.

❝ Jisung that isn't always true some people speak─ ❞

❝ Chan please! I need you so much right now. I won't regret this, I know that. But if you really don't want to then I'll just call Minho. ❞ Jisung smirked seeing the slight fire in Chan's eyes. He knew he hit close to home and had Chan right were he wanted him.

There was silence, and Jisung decided to push him more.

❝ Fine, I guess I'll spend the night at Minho's place. Feel free to stay. ❞ Jisung stood up and stumbled to the door. He didn't make it far. He found himself in Chan's arms.

❝ Jisung, I know you won't go to him. So stop speaking ridiculously. Let's just go to bed, and sleep. I'll make you some soup tomorrow─ ❞ Jisung pushed himself up against Chan. He smirked as he grinded down on him. Chan sucked in a deep breath.

❝ What were you saying? ❞ Jisung looked up at him with innocent eyes. Chan tried his hardest not to fall for his tricks. But drunk Jisung always managed to find a way to gey what he wants.

❝ Well if you won't talk, I bet Minho would. He's such a sweet talker~ ❞ Chan held onto Jisung tighter. Really, Jisung was only tapping into Chan's fear. Fear that Jisung would really leave him, if not for Minho than for someone else. He had really fallen for Jisung, and he couldn't imagine his life without him. He was more insecure that what he let on, but he couldn't help it when Jisung was just so lovable.

Please don't go. ❞ Jisung smirked. In his drunk state, he couldn't hear the fear in Chan's voice, but his heart could feel it.


Minho walked up the steps of the porch. With the jacket in one hand, he knocked on the door with the other. The lights were on, so he was such someone was awake. But there was no movement, there was this awkward silence.

Minho listened closely for something, anything really. However, he had wish he hadn't.

❝ Ah fuck Chan~ Right there~ ❞ Minho's ears turned red, but his heart shattered into a million pieces. He couldn't stand listening to Jisung moan out someone else's name. The music that once welcomed him to utopia, was now ripping his heart apart and sending him away to an abyss.

❝ Chan~ I'm so close~ ❞ Minho stepped away from the door. He clutched onto the jacket.

❝ Minho~ ❞

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