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King Changhee sat on the throne
at the center of the earth.
And beside him was his trusted
knight, Haeyeon.
The sun prince, Hyujoon, and
the moon princess, Yeoseok,
no longer threated the world.
Everything was at peace now.
And it was all thanks, to the great
King Changhee.❞

Minhee closed the book. She was now twenty three. She sat in front of the tombstone and smiled softly.

❝ Big brother. . . I wrote this whole book but some how I don't feel it honors you enough. This book is for children and. . . and I feel as if I should write something with deeper meaning. So if you don't mind. . . I'm going to just that. Write a story about you and I. ❞ Minhee placed down the book and took out a piece of paper from her small bag.

❝ You know. . . Haeyeon got married last year. His wife is sweet and I can't really say much about their relationship because I've been so caught up trying to write you a story. This one, the children's book, is currently in stores. It's doing okay I must say, just not as good as I'd like it to be doing. Oh, Mama. . . he's fallen ill, I try my best to help him and so does Haeyeon. He's gotten better! At least that's what the doctors are say. . . ❞ Minhee stared at the blank page.

❝ Um. . . Yeoseok and Hyujoon got married too! Uncle Felix. . .well he had a lot to say at the wedding, and let's just say Uncle Hyunjin wasn't having some of it. But recently Uncle Felix too has fallen ill. Uncle Chan is still working hard to help Uncle Felix, even though Hyujoon tells him that he'd help. Uncle Seungmin and Uncle Jeongin had a kid! She's really cute, she's only seventeen. Uncle Hyunjin and Uncle Changbin have spent most their days in their home. They are too weak now to work. Yeoseok and Hyujoon help pay for their needs.❞ Minhee began to scribble something down.

❝ Sorry, and idea popped into my head. I was just thinking. . . if the world consisted of multiple dimensions. There could be a dimension where we are still together! Or where we are younger or older or the queen or king of some place. Or where Mama and Daddy are perfectly healthy and everyone else is as well. ❞ Minhee sighed.

❝ I think that maybe. . . maybe I should call the book First Snow. Every First Snow, a portal will open that leads to a different dimension. A girl looking for a better life and an escape from the one she has will go through. There she meets a boy who isn't quite all that human. They go on mini adventures through the dimensions together! Oh it could be a series of books! And in the end, the girl learns that althought she having fun and is distracted by the adventures, she can't run from her problems. And in the end she has to go back to her dimension, but not before discovering that the boy she was with was Changhee, king of the word, and he was trying to restore order in all the dimensions! ❞ Minhee giggled loudly.

❝ Yes! I finally got it! ❞ She began to scribble down the ideas flowing through her head.

❝ I gotta go tell Mama and Daddy! ❞ She hastily stood up and picked up all her things.

❝ Good bye big brother! I'll see you again some day! ❞


❝ Daddy! I'm home! ❞ Minhee closed the door. Minho appeared from within the kitchen.

❝ I went to visit Changhee. ❞ Minhee said as she placed her bag down.

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