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Minho came back home with three bags full of groceries. He unlocked the door and was greeted with loud giggles. He furrowed his brows as he walked into the kitchen. He placed down the groceries onto the counter and followed the sound of laughter into the living room.

He furrowed his brows seeing a little boy with Jeonmin.

❝ Who's this? ❞ Jeonmin snapped her head around. She sighed quietly in relief.

❝ Our neighbor's child. His name is Changhee. Isn't he the cutest! ❞

❝ Why is he here? ❞

❝ I offered to take care of him. ❞ Changhee stood up and ran to Minho. He then began to examin him.

❝ Do you have any candy? ❞ Changhee stared at Minho in the eyes. Minho couldn't help but feel as if Changhee reminded him of a certain someone he saw not too long ago.

❝ No. Sorry kid. ❞ Changhee frowned.

❝ Chan always has candy on hand for me. He gives me a little bit when Mommy isn't looking. ❞ Minho didn't know what to say so he glanced over at Jeonmin.

❝ Changhee let's play hide and seek! I'll count first. ❞ Changhee nodded and ran off into the house.

❝ Who's his Mommy?

❝ Our neighbor Han Jisung. ❞ Minho froze.

Han Jisung? ❞ Jeonmin nodded.

❝ Yes, why? Is something wrong? ❞

❝ No, of course not. ❞ The phone began to ring.

❝ I'll go get that. You can continue playing with Changhee. ❞ Minho walked over to the kitchen phone. Jeonmin then scurried off to find Changhee.

❝ Hello? ❞

Hi. I'm calling from ********. May I speak to Soon Jeonmin?

❝ Give me a second. ❞ Minho pulled away from the phone. Coincidentally, Jeonmin wandered into the kitchen looking for Changhee.

❝ It's for you. ❞ Jeonmin looked at Minho and nodded. She took the phone and signaled for Minho to go find Changhee. Minho sighed and walked off into the house. He walked into the living room where he spotted two little pairs of feet hiding behind two small boxes sitting side by side on the floor. He pretended not to see them and walked to another pair of boxes on the floor.

He heard soft giggling.

He's so dumb. ❞ Minho felt slightly annoyed by this, but continued to pretend not to see him.

Jeonmin then showed up.

❝ Minho I have to go. It's for a job interview. I'll be back as soon as possible. Please look after Changhee. I promised Jisung nothing would happen to him. ❞ Minho sighed.

❝ Alright. The keys are on the kitchen counter. ❞ Jeonmin nodded and left. He heard the keys clanging against each other as Jeonmin walked to the front door. Soon he heard it open and then close right after.

Changhee popped his head out and frowned.

❝ Why did auntie leave? Does she not like me? ❞ Minho turned to the kid. Those soft pink pouty lips resembled those he had became addicted to all those years ago.

❝ No. . .she went to buy you a surprise! Because you're her favorite. ❞ Changhee's eyes lit up, almost like someone he'd seen a few hours before.

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