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The next day was peaceful. Jisung had afternoon classes, so he decided to spend his morning with Changhee. They decided to take a quick walk around the neighborhood.

❝ Mommy look! A butterfly! ❞ Jisung smiled softly as Changhee went running after it. He then saw the familiar car driving down the street. The car stopped right beside him. The window was rolled down and that bright smile greeted Jisung.

❝ Morning. ❞ Jisung grinned.

❝ Good morning Chan. What brings you here? ❞ Chan shrugged.

❝ Just thought I'd drive by and see my favorite people in the world. ❞ Changhee stopped staring at the butterfly.

❝ Mommy! You promised me ice cream! ❞ Jisung's eyes widen, vividly remembering he had promised Changhee ice cream.

❝ Oh. . . right. Here let's go right now! ❞

❝ I'll drive you two, I mean, I have nothing else to do. ❞ Jisung smiled.

❝ That'll be nice. ❞ Changhee immediately ran to the door and opened it carefully before climbing in. Chan got out of the driver's seat and closed the door right after Changhee got settled. He guided Jisung to the passanger side of the car and opened the door for him. Jisung blushed as he settled himself on the seat. Chan then jogged to the driver's seat and got in.

❝ Which ice cream parlor would you like to go to? ❞ Jisung shurgged.

❝ Which ever is closest. ❞

❝ Well, that'll be only one. Right across the grand hotel. ❞ Jisung felt himself tense up at the mention of the hotel.

❝ Yeah. . . that one. ❞ The car started and off they went.

When they arrived, Changhee ran off into the small shop. Jisung hesitated to leave the car. Chan noticed and interlocked their hands.

❝ Hey, whatever is bothering you, tell me about it. I'm here to listen so don't feel like you're burdening me. ❞ Jisung smiled softly.

❝ Thanks. ❞ Chan nodded, he then lead Jisung inside the small shop.

❝ Mommy! Look who I found! Auntie Jeonmin and Zombie! ❞ Changhee waved at Jisung from a table, where Jeonmin could clearly be seen, since she was sitting facing them. But the second person was sitting with their back to them.

❝ Zombie? ❞ Jisung locked eyes with Minho. He felt his heart beat stop.

❝ Jisung are you alright? ❞ Jisung turned to look at Chan. He forced a smile and nodded. However, Chan could see right through him but decided not to say anything. He didn't want to put Jisung into an uncomfortable situation.

❝ Jisung, so funny running into you here! ❞ Jeonmin said. However her voice didn't seem as cheerful nor was her smile as bright.

❝ Yeah. . . funny. ❞ Minho's eyes never once left Jisung, both Chan and Jeonmin noticed. Sensing the tension, Chan decided to say something.

❝ Changhee, let's chose out what ice cream you'd like. ❞ Changhee nodded and ran to look at the selection of ice cream. Chan gently tucked Jisung away from the couple.

❝ What are the chances. ❞ Jeonmin said. Minho simply hummed. He looked out the window only to be greeted by the hotel.

❝ You know. . . I'm going to go outside for a bit of air. ❞ Minho stood up and left the shop. Jisung noticed and released Chan's hand.

❝ Hey, I think I forgot my wallet in the car. ❞ Chan handed him the keys. Jisung smiled before leaving the shop as well. Jeonmin watched as he left feeling uneasy. But she shook her head. I trust them.

When Jisung stepped out of the shop, Minho was sitting at the bench just outside the shop. Jisung hesitated to approach him.

❝ Hey. ❞ Minho turned to look at Jisung and nodded. Jisung took a seat beside Minho.

❝ So. . . long time no see. . .right? ❞ Minho hummed. They could feel the tension between them. They both wanted to spill what was on their mind, talk about the feelings bottled up inside of them, and finally discuss about Changhee, but they remained silent.

At least until Jisung finally couldn't help but ask.

❝ Why'd you leave? ❞ Minho could hear the pain in his voice. How he was trying to hold back tears.

❝ Because. . . . . ❞

❝ Because what? Did. . . did you just use me? Did that night mean nothing to you? ❞ Minho shook his head.

❝ No, it's that─ ❞

❝ What Minho, what could you possibly say that could make me understand why─ ❞

❝ Because my father was on the verge of dying! And my mother was struggling to keep paying the bills by herself! ❞ Jisung froze for a few seconds before coming back to his senses.

❝ I'm sorry. . . Minho I'm so sorry. I didn't. . . Sorry, I didn't mean to force you to. . . god I'm so stupid always thinking about myself. You know what, forget this ever happend. Minho I'm sorry. ❞ Jisung was about to get up and leave but Minho stopped him.

❝ No, it's fine. . . I should've told you. ❞

❝ Well it's a little too late for that. ❞

❝ Gosh, thanks for reminding me. ❞ Jisung looked down.

❝ Sorry, it's just. . . I'm just dumb, always say whatever comes to mind. ❞

❝ I can see that. ❞ Jisung glared at Minho. But his gaze soon softened as they locked eyes. There was silence again.

❝ So. . . this is a bit awkward. ❞

❝ Yeah I mean, it's not everyday people are meeting the person they fucked when they were thirteen and had a ba─ ❞ Jisung froze. Minho looked at him confused.

❝ A what? ❞

❝ Nothing! We should head inside. I told Chan I forgot my wallet, and I still have to pay for Changhee's ice cream! ❞ Minho grabbed Jisung's arm.

❝ Finish that sentence Han Jisung. ❞ Jisung gulped. Minho's eyes were cold and unreadable. Jisung couldn't tell if he was angry or sad. He couldn't tell if whether he were to say the truth then he would deeply regret it or if he would consider it the best decision of his life.

Thankfully he didn't have to make that choice because Chan came out just in time to save him.

❝ What's going on out here? ❞ Minho released Jisung.

❝ Nothing, he was just helping me look for my wallet. Turns out I actually dropped it just outside the door. ❞ Jisung held up the wallet. Chan smiled softly.

❝ Well, Changhee is eating his ice cream with Jeonmin. Come on. Don't worry, I payed already. Consider it my treat. ❞ Jisung smiled. Minho watched as the couple, walking into the shop. He frowned, but couldn't blame anyone but himself. I didnt tell him. So why should I be upset.

But Minho just couldn't shake off that feeling that something just wasn't right, and was never right. And Jisung's unfinished sentence still lingered in his mind.


A / N :

Thank you so much for all the love and support! I really appreciate it! 🌸❤

Although, I'm seriously surprised that anyone is reading this considering I'm writing this with my two brain cells I have and it's probably really bad. But I'll try my best to improve!🌸

Also, I know there is a lot of side ships, like Chansung, but I promise the Minsung will start to become the main focus. Some part of this book will develop really fast, and other parts will develop slowly. 🌸

Again, thank you so much for the support! Please enjoy this [ trashy ] book🌸

~피터 팬🌸

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