00 | broken condoms & broken dreams

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here's the prologue ! hope you enjoy & let me know your thoughts!

here's the prologue ! hope you enjoy & let me know your thoughts!

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Being forced awake from his slumber by his ringing phone was not how Jeongguk wanted his day to start off, especially since he had a college chemistry exam in just a few hours that he pulled an all nighter to study for.

He was exhausted, going to bed at three in the morning to make a decent grade for the class. He needed the credit if he wanted to be a childhood trauma therapist, so he couldn't fail the class. That and his parents would kill him if he flunked out of college.

"Answer your fucking phone, Jeon!" A pillow was thrown at him— more like his nightstand, causing his continuously ringing phone to fall on the carpeted floor. He groaned at his dorm mate, rolling over and reaching down to pick up his phone.

He patted around the floor with closed eyes, refusing to open them as he blindly searched for the ringing object. He could hear his roommate mumble incoherent strings of curse words under his groggy breath.

The blonde rolled his eyes, fingers finding the phone. He peeked open an eye, reading the caller ID. The number wasn't saved in his phone, and it was unfamiliar to the student. He was tempted to decline the call and go back to sleep, but instead found himself answering it and pressing his phone to his ear.

"Hello?" His voice was thick with sleep-- unaware of what godly hour it was. Just by keeping his eyes closed, he could tell the sun wasn't in the sky yet, so his day hasn't officially started.

"Jeongguk?" A femenine-like voice came from the other end, causing Jeongguk's eyes to pull together. The voice sounded somewhat familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it, because he was still tired.

"Hello? Who is this?" He asked, rolling over in his bed as he threw the blankets over his body again, adjusting his pillows.

"It's Grace," She said, causing Jeongguk's eyes to open at this.

"What do you want?" He pondered a bit sharply. Whenever Grace called, it was never something good. She either wanted something or only called to stir drama.

She sighed, "We need to talk. It's important."

Jeongguk rolled his eyes, sighing. Everything was considered a crisis with her. Nothing was ever moderate, just severe. "Why? What is it now?" He asked her, quietly whispering so he didn't wake his sleeping roommate.

"I'm in the hospital," She told him, but Jeongguk didn't respond the way she thought he would. Instead, he laid there, not considering her health or whatever reason she was there. He really couldn't care less.

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