09 | terrible twos & double trouble

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Jeongguk was a mess

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Jeongguk was a mess.

Like a literal mess. His hair was unsorted, strands sticking in different directions as if he had just rolled out of bed, clothes wrinkled and disheveled and he thinks he's wearing two different shoes and he can't remember if he put on boxers or not.

Yeah, today didn't start off on a good note with Minjee waking up in a bad mood and was reluctant to go to daycare without her bottle which Jeongguk was trying to break from her.

She was a mess too and it was only making Jeongguk's day harder as he tried his best to get her off to daycare so he could make it to work on time, but it seemed like Minjee had different plans as she threw her bowl of bananas on the floor.

"Minjee, c'mon," Jeongguk grunted as he bent down and picked up her spilt bananas, throwing them away with a huff as she began kicking and screaming in her highchair.

Jeongguk felt like his head was about to explode from the consistent screaming and crying from the little girl as he cleaned up the mess she made for him.

It was a rare occasion of Minjee acting like a spoiled brat, but it never lasted long when Jeongguk put his foot down and wasn't going to deal with her attitude. It wasn't necessarily surprising when she got into one of her moods where she didn't want to listen and just wanted to do her own thing.

Jeongguk wanted to pull his hair out and bang his head against a wall as he leaned against the counter, watching Minjee scream as tears rolled down her face, smashed bananas smeared all over her face and even in her hair that was tied back.

"What's wrong with you today?" Jeongguk sighed, carding his fingers through his dark fringe, shoulders tense and the muscles in his neck were popping due to frustration.

"Do you want something else to eat? You need to have breakfast before daycare," Jeongguk asked, turning and opening cabinets, catching a glimpse of his watch. "And I'm going to be late for work at this rate."

He grabbed a box of Minjee's favorite cereal, rushing to pour some in a bowl and give to her since time was ticking by too fast for him to comprehend anything else but to feed his child before school.

Though, Minjee still wasn't in a good mood and as soon as Jeongguk set the bowl down on her tray, she grabs it, throwing it onto the floor and creating a bigger mess than the bananas, causing Jeongguk to clench his teeth in frustration.

Minjee was getting on his very last nerve and he didn't know what to do at this point. He didn't want to send her to school in a bad mood and acting like a spoiled brat— that would just be embarrassing on both his and Minjee's part and he definitely didn't want to seem like a poor father.

But he felt like he was left with no choice as he turned and walked out of the kitchen, needing a breather before he throws his head into a wall. He left the mess behind along with a screaming Minjee who was smacking her tray as hard as she could as she watched Jeongguk walk away.

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