19 | wish lists & gay things

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"Tae, I think I can walk myself to the bathroom," Jeongguk huffed, swatting Taehyung's hands away as he entered the bathroom

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"Tae, I think I can walk myself to the bathroom," Jeongguk huffed, swatting Taehyung's hands away as he entered the bathroom. The boy retracted his hands, snickering at the younger's irritated state.

"Just be careful," Taehyung called out fast as the door began to shut, hoping the other could hear him. He didn't reply, locking the door as the brunette made his way back to the bed, where they have been staying for the past couple of days since Jeongguk was still recovering from his concussion from the car accident he and Seokjin were in.

And from what Taehyung was understanding, Seokjin was doing a lot better than Jeongguk right now. His shoulder barely hurt, though he was hyped up on painkillers and drinking martinis with them, so that may have been the effect as to why he's been so happy and giggly every time Jeongguk picked up the phone to call and check up on him.

"I have a concussion. I didn't have brain surgery," Jeongguk huffed, partially to himself as he tugged his pants back on, exiting the restroom, but part of him hoped Taehyung heard him and would make some stupid remark just to get a rise out of him.

Taehyung seemed to hear him by the way he smirked at his phone, but didn't make eye contact with the younger. The ravenette frowned a little, expecting more of a reaction than what was provided as he crawled under the covers beside the boy.

He was still smirking at his phone, which left a bitter taste in the ravenette's mouth as he subtly glanced over every now and then to see if his expression has changed at all. Which it hasn't, not even as five more minutes pass and he was still on that stupid device instead of giving Jeongguk shit by constantly worrying about his recovery and how the other was allegedly "not taking this seriously."

"I'm tired of being in bed all the time," Jeongguk grumbled, crossing his arms and sighing almost dramatically as he stared at the tv that was playing a random movie or show. He didn't really know because it was unfamiliar to him and he really didn't feel like checking either.

The last few days have made him lazy but eager to get out of bed for once. He had been stuck there due to strict orders from the doctor. Jeongguk frequently became lightheaded and nauseous every time he stood or moved too fast, which was the main reason why he still wasn't granted permission from Taehyung to leave his bedroom.

Though, the brunette was just as stubborn as the younger, he really did care about Jeongguk's health and wanted him to recover as rapidly as possible. But he couldn't do that if Jeongguk was constantly moving around and not resting like the doctor had told him to do. It only made his headache worse the more he moved instead of relaxing and staying still.

"You know the rules, Gguk," Taehyung had told him, eyes still on the screen as Jeongguk rolled his eyes. More annoyed by the fact he wasn't sparing him a glance and he really missed Minjee, but she was currently at his parents' house since the ravenette was still recovering.

"But the rules are stupid," He stated matter of factly, looking over, hoping that was enough to get the boy's attention onto him for once instead of his stupid phone.

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