27 | exes & home

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***NOTE: mature content below (smut). if uncomfortable, please skip the last scene of the chapter! thank you!

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A week. Taehyung hadn't heard from Jeongguk in a week.

Seven days, no phone calls, no text messages, no letters, no emails— just nothing. He was left with a blank screen, no notifications— just nothing. It was like his entire life was a fucking lie.

He hadn't heard from his boyfriend in a fucking week, and now he was beginning to lose all hope they were even still in a relationship. Call him crazy, stupid or even ridiculous, it was how he felt when his own boyfriend wouldn't call him or even leave him a brief message about how things were going.

Taehyung was left with sleepless nights, wondering where he had gone wrong and what he could've done different. Could he have been there for him more? Should he have forced whatever was bothering the boy out of him? Or did he do everything he could and just right?

These were the questions keeping him up at night, and these were the questions from eating properly. Minjee's come to daycare, but each time, he didn't see Jeongguk. He didn't know who had been dropping the little girl off in the mornings, but he didn't think it was that certain ravenette with the bunny-tooth smile that always brightened his day with a kiss or a flirtatious remark that had his heart thundering in his chest.

All he had was Jimin who was gushing over his crush he had on a celebrity he had just recently discovered. Taehyung couldn't even be bothered or the least bit intrigued who this celebrity was and if he found him just as attractive as his best friend.

He was too concerned about his relationship falling apart and the bunny boy who he hadn't seen or heard from in days. He was concerned about who was taking care of Minjee and if Jeongguk had finally gotten himself out of bed yet. He just wanted to know if he was okay.

He had been reluctant on sending messages to the boy, but couldn't help himself when he texted him every morning asking him how he was, only to receive nothing as a response. Only a blank screen and zero notifications.

He really thought he'd be out of it by now, but it seemed he was wrong yet again.

Maybe this was Jeongguk's way of saying things were over between them and to move on because he wasn't going to message him any time soon. And that thought alone was killing him on the inside. Especially right after their special date where they ate at that Italian restaurant Taehyung deemed as his favorite place on earth, their night stroll over the bridge, their ice cream pitstop, their wine & dine moment on the balcony, and their steamy session in the bedroom.

After all the confessions they made to each other, Taehyung really thought he was different from all the other jerks that he had been with, only for them to stomp all over his heart like it was nothing but garbage on the side of the road.

It hurt worse this time, and maybe it was because he had fallen in love with this boy, and was still willing to make everything work between them, even if their relationship was in the gutter after this. All Taehyung wanted was this relationship to be good this time, and he really thought it was, but now after this, he wasn't sure what to think anymore.

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