41 | over & again

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"So, are you gonna pop the question?"

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"So, are you gonna pop the question?"

Jeongguk looked over as he gave the older a look of confusion, brows pinched as he cocked his head to the side. It had only been a few days since Jeongguk bought the ring, and he didn't have any plans on proposing so soon either.

There just weren't times where he thought they were good enough for a jaw-dropping proposal— not that he had anything extravagant planned anyway, but proposing right now, with the new year coming up wasn't a part of his plans.

Though, he feared Taehyung was on to him every time he startled the boy when he popped out of no where, scaring him half to death as if he were trying to hide something; the ring he had in his pocket just in case if it were the right time to pop the question.

But none of it seemed to be the right time.

"Are you crazy, hyung?" Jeongguk snorted, shaking his head as he pulled out an outfit from his closet— disregarding Seokjin's help this time since tonight was going to be a special occasion— that and he was tired of Seokjin having an excuse to come over and pry into his love life.

Seokjin rolled his eyes at the boy, "You're seriously not gonna do it?"

Jeongguk shook his head, "Nope, not anytime soon."

The older gaped at him, jaw dropped and arms falling to his sides, giving the boy an incredulous look. "You're unbelievable. How are you not going to propose anytime soon?" He asked— more like demanded to know.

The youngest shrugged, unsure of his own plans, but tonight just didn't seem like the night. "It's not time yet, Jin," He told him, giving him a lame excuse just to get the older off his back.

Knowing Seokjin's big mouth, he would go around and tell everyone he was going to propose, only for it to not happen and give it all away when he asked to see the ring once he met up with the couple at their apartment. Jeongguk wasn't stupid. He was well aware of the older's insane tactics.

"You're so fucking lame, Gguk," Seokjin pouted. "When are you gonna do it again? Next year?" He asked, rolling his eyes.

Jeongguk snorted, "You say that as if next year is months away."

"Might as well be. That's how long it's gonna feel before you finally pop the question," He stated in a matter-of-fact tone, causing the younger to chuckle humorously at the older with a slight shake of his head.

"Didn't I tell you you didn't need to come over?" Jeongguk asked, tossing his outfit on the bed beside Seokjin. The older just nodded from his spot with crossed arms.

"Then why are you here?"

"The same reason as I'm always here," Seokjin spoke, eyeing the outfit he had picked out rather suspiciously, grimacing at his choice of attire. "You're not really gonna wear that on a date, are you?" He asked, pointing at the clothes on the bed.

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