21 | him & i

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It was Valentine's Day and so it was date night for the couple

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It was Valentine's Day and so it was date night for the couple. Jeongguk picked out a nice Italian restaurant in town that Taehyung deemed to be his favorite. He thought it would be a nice way to share an intimate moment with the person he wanted to share all intimate moments with.

As always, Seokjin had come over when Jeongguk was freaking out on what he should wear for his date. The older came over, rifled through his closet and deemed nothing suited for tonight's special occasion. So, he went out of his way and bought an outfit for the boy to wear, which Jeongguk promised to pay him back after seeing the price tag.

There were so many numbers and it suddenly didn't look nice anymore. His jaw dropped when he saw the price of the outfit and really hoped this was Seokjin's and he just never gotten around to wearing it, but since the universe was never on his side, the eldest smiled and shook his head, telling him how he wasn't worthy enough to wear his hand-me-downs.

Jeongguk put on the silk green shirt, feeling the smooth fabric glide along his fingertips so effortlessly. This was the first time he has ever worn silk before and he didn't know if he liked the feeling. He felt naked as he wore the button-up and looked at himself through the mirror.

He liked the skinny black jeans and the nice shoes, but he wasn't too keen with the shirt. He hoped he would forget about it soon and would be too focused on pleasuring Taehyung than to be bothered by a stupid shirt.

He liked the way it made him look. The jeans hugged his thighs in all the right places, clinging to his legs as he adjusted his belt. The shirt was tucked in, much to Seokjin's suggestion. And the shoes were comfortable, but nothing he would pick out himself, but overall, the older did a pretty damn good job picking his Valentine's Day outfit for him.

"Wow," Seokjin clapped, catcalling the boy as he entered the bedroom after knocking many times and receiving no answer. Jeongguk glanced at him through the mirror, buttoning up the last button, but his hands were swatted when Seokjin noticed what he was doing.

"Come on, show a little skin tonight," Seokjin told him, grinning from ear to ear as he examined he nice handy work. "Showing a little cleavage never hurt anyone."

Jeongguk rolled his eyes, shaking his head at his best friend as he fixed the collar of the shirt, smoothing out the wrinkles as Seokjin stood beside him, satisfied with his artwork.

"I just hope Tae likes it," He admitted a little shamefully. That's all he ever really cared about was how Taehyung felt. His appearance only mattered when it came to Taehyung, no one else. "He has a bit of fashionable taste himself."

Seokjin crossed his arms, pursing his lips and raising his brows, "Really? I never noticed."

Jeongguk wanted to call bullshit on the older. As many times as they all have hung out together on their days off or even after work, Taehyung always wore something with taste. Whether it be Gucci or Calvin Klein.

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