04 | sticky note addresses & palm written phone numbers

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"Welcome to Sunshine House Daycare," Jeongguk read the sign aloud as he pulled into the parking lot

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"Welcome to Sunshine House Daycare," Jeongguk read the sign aloud as he pulled into the parking lot. Minjee sat in the back, eyes droopy from being woken up earlier than her usual time.

"This has gotta be it," He mumbled, eyeing the crazy colors the building withheld. He could see the back where their playgrounds were located, and he could hear the childish screams of kids running around from the back of the building.

This is the one he was talking about, Jeongguk thought to himself, glancing down at the piece of paper he held between his fingers, reading over the words that Seokjin wrote on the sticky note of the address and the daycare's name.

Jeongguk parked the vehicle before switching off the engine. He sat there, leaned back in his seat as he stared straight ahead at the awfully large building, mentally contemplating whether if this was a drastic idea or not.

Seokjin spoke highly of this particular facility, reading over all the reviews that were left on their website to Jeongguk, hoping their positive feedback would be enough to convince him to use them and not be so skeptical.

He meant well. But sometimes Jeongguk wonders if Seokjin was stepping over boundaries that he had no place in. Maybe he preferred it if people didn't stick their nose in his business and tried to shift things around, controlling every aspect of his life where he felt like he had no control of his own being whatsoever.

However, he was skeptical of this place. And maybe it was because he would be leaving his daughter with strangers and other kids. He didn't know how well this facility was, nor did he know the people who employed there, but just the thought of his daughter going to some new and strange place she's never been to before was disheartening enough.

It would be a drastic change, not only for him, but for Minjee as well. Especially for Minjee. Her schedule would turn upside down and change, leaving her bewildered and in a fuzzy haze. She'd search around for Jeongguk every time she was being dropped off, confused why she was even there and why her dad wasn't around.

He didn't know if he was physically capable of moving right now. He felt glued to his seat; stuck and unable to move. It was growing later into the day, and Jeongguk had already made an appointment to meet with them. He had his money ready on his card, prepared to drain his entire bank account.

His appointment was in a few minutes, and if he didn't gather some courage, he would miss it and he didn't think he would ever have the balls to call back up here and make another appointment with them to discuss the beneficial aspects this daycare in particular withholds.

C'mon Jeon, Jeongguk had been thinking and speaking to himself all morning and afternoon. He really couldn't help it. Everything was becoming a tad bit too stressful for him. This was something he really didn't want to do, but now he felt like he had no choice.

Money will be coming out of his bank account every month now if he decides to follow through. He just hoped this was all worth it in the long run, and if not, he'll regret this decision for the rest of his life.

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