28 | penguin exhibits & shaved ice

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"You know, you can stop picking out my date outfits now," Jeongguk said, sitting on his bed, munching on a family sized bag of chips as he watched Seokjin rifle through his closet

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"You know, you can stop picking out my date outfits now," Jeongguk said, sitting on his bed, munching on a family sized bag of chips as he watched Seokjin rifle through his closet. "Tae doesn't care how I look. As long as I'm wearing clothes."

Seokjin glanced over, barely enough to catch the sly smirk and wiggle of his eyebrows, causing the older to snort, shaking his head. "I don't care what he says," Seokjin affirmed sternly. "If I left it up to you, you'd walk around looking like a homeless man."

Jeongguk rolled his eyes, tossing another potato chip in his mouth. "He doesn't care what I look like," The younger stated, almost childishly as he threw himself back on his bed, huffing.

Seokjin glanced over his shoulder, watching the boy shove salty potato chips in his mouth. "That's really sexy, Gguk," He muttered, cringing as he turned back around, grabbing an outfit from the rack and tossing it to the younger.

The ravenette grinned cheekily— more sarcastically as he caught the shirt and jeans in his palm. "Thanks, hyung," He said, standing from the bed and examining the outfit.

"Go try that on and lemme see how it looks on you," Seokjin waved a hand at the boy, ushering him into the bathroom and shutting the door behind him with a loud slam.

Seokjin scanned through his shoes as he waited for him to change, listening to the faint rustling of commotion and even hearing something fall as Jeongguk muttered, "Shit," under his breath.

"Uh- hyung, I don't think this should be worn on a date," Jeongguk's voice muffled through the door as Seokjin quirked a brow at the boy from the other side, setting a pair of shoes down and walking to the bathroom.

"What's wrong with it?" He asked, leaning against the doorframe with folded arms.

"Well, I don't like the way it feels," He stated, opening the door, "and I don't think I should wear this to a date Minjee is going to be a part of."

Seokjin rolled his eyes, taking off the see-through shirt off his body. "Why didn't you tell me Giggles was going with you? You know how much time that would've saved?" He ranted, tossing the boy a plain but still very nice shirt.

Jeongguk shook his head, walking back over to the bed and plopping down as he shoved his hand inside the bag of chips he left on his mattress by his pillows, flicking them into his mouth, letting the saltiness dance along his tongue.

"Where are you guys even going anyway?" The older asked, changing the boy's shoes to better match the outfit.

"To the zoo," Jeongguk simply shrugged, wiping his hands off on his nice pair of skinny jeans.

Seokjin smacked his hand, glaring at the boy with a stern shake of his head, pointing a finger at him, "Were you raised in a barn? Stop that."

Jeongguk rolled his eyes, smacking the other back as he was handed a pair of nice but comfortable shoes. He muttered a quick "thanks" as he slipped them on before standing from his bed and rolling the bag of chips closed.

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