35 | try again & starting over

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***NOTE: mature content below (smut). if uncomfortable, please skip the last scene of the chapter! thank you!

10 chapters left until the epilogue

Taehyung doesn't remember falling asleep

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Taehyung doesn't remember falling asleep.

He doesn't remember changing out of his clothes and into cozy pajamas, and he surely doesn't remember starting a fire in the fireplace across from their bed. He doesn't remember getting under the covers, and he doesn't remember finishing his hot chocolate.

He doesn't know what happened to Jeongguk after his small breakdown. He doesn't know if he had fallen sleep too, or if he stayed up most of the night worrying and crying as quietly as possible so he didn't wake the older up. He knew how important his sleep was to him and he didn't have the heart to take that away from him because of his silly problems and redundant insecurities.

All Taehyung really remembers is comforting a crying boy on their bed, listening to all the snotty tears and the wobbling words that tumbled from his shaking lips. He doesn't remember anything after that. After that... after that everything went black.

He doesn't remember even lying down. It was like he was comforting a crying boy one minute and knocked out the next. Maybe he somehow hit his head and blacked out, which is why he doesn't remember anything.

He doesn't even remember if Jeongguk ever stopped crying last night either.

It was their last day at the small cottage, and Taehyung really expected it to be a little... better than what it resulted in to. He didn't want it to contain any fighting, which happened anyway. It was like a fight between them was inevitable now, when it didn't used to be like that.

He remembers the days when they used to get along. They never fought before and now that it has become more frequent than not, Taehyung was beginning to worry there was something going on. Was there something else Jeongguk wasn't telling him about and he was consistently on edge, hence why the sudden angry outbursts and the thin patience he suddenly inherited.

He hated how things were now. If only a time machine were invented and he'd go back to the simpler days between them.

"Good morning," A very gruff voice startled the boy from behind.

Taehyung turned his head, looking over his shoulder and taking in the sight of the obviously sleep-deprived boy behind him with his bed hair and puffy face. He smiled, adoring how cute the boy was when he woke up.

"Morning," He smiled back, unsure if he should turn around and face the boy. He didn't know what kind of mood he was in, and it seemed as if Jeongguk saw this because his own smile dropped a bit when he saw the hesitancy in his eyes.

"I hate it when you look at me like that," Jeongguk mumbled, feeling his heart shatter if it were even possible. It already felt like dust of glass setting at the bottom of his chest.

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