16 | dignity & grace

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Taehyung was right

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Taehyung was right. His grandma didn't have much longer.

Receiving that call at one in the morning wasn't what he expected. He woke up beside Jeongguk with his phone ringing on his bedside table, causing the pair to stir in their sleep before Taehyung finally woke up after realizing what it was, answering the call only to find out about his grandma passing away in her sleep.

Jeongguk stayed awake with him the remainder of the night, making sure he was okay even though the older wasn't tired anymore and was now wide awake, the news still fresh in his mind as the ravenette stayed by his side, understanding and listening to whatever he wanted to talk about.

The boy poured his heart into everything he told Jeongguk. From the silly stories he could remember when he was just a mere child, to the memories he wanted to relive with her just one last time.

But now she was gone, and Jeongguk doesn't think Taehyung has quite accepted the fact she was no longer with him. He continued to talk about the plans he had made with her, the doctor appointments he was going to take her to, and the nights he planned to stay with her, which happened to be next weekend.

Jeongguk doesn't think he's accepting reality yet, and it was quite worrisome. He wasn't crying, he wasn't cursing God, and he didn't develop any unhealthy eating habits. He was... happy. He was handling it a lot better than what the youngest would've have expected, and he didn't know if he should be worried about him, or just let it be and not give it another thought.

He continued on with his life, and soon received and invitation to her funeral that was going to be held the weekend he was supposed to be with her. He tossed it to the side, as if untouched by her sudden death. He was completely detached from reality, and now Jeongguk was starting to worry.

He wasn't shedding a single tear over her, and Jeongguk was growing increasingly concerned about him. He really thought the funeral invitation would cause some tears, but he was proved wrong once again.

"He's not crying," Jeongguk exclaimed, concerned laced within his voice as he sat with his friends, including Taehyung's, for lunch. "He's not doing anything. He literally threw the funeral invitation away after he read it. It's like he's completely detached from everything."

Seokjin's brows furrowed, taking a sip of his drink, "Really?"

Jeongguk nodded, "Yeah, really. I'm really worried about him. He cried more over his favorite fictional tv character."

"Hey, those are heartbreaking," Seokjin pointed a finger at the boy, giving him a sharp look.

"There's just something different when a fictional character dies," Hoseok shook his head, giving the ravenette a sad smile as Yoongi and Jimin nodded along with him.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes, a little annoyed they weren't taking this seriously, "C'mon, guys. I'm really worried about him. What do I do?"

"How about nothing," It was more of a statement as Yoongi looked at him from across the table, hands clasped over the empty space where he sat.

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