45 | poor diets & heart attacks

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stay tuned for the epilogue!

stay tuned for the epilogue!

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Dinner was going smoothly. So far.

Taehyung could honestly say they were having a nice night, no arguments broke out, tears remained in eyes, and sarcastic remarks were left unsaid. It was weird, really, having a nice meal with his parents that didn't involve fights or hurtful words lingering around the table.

Maybe tonight was different in a way. Maybe tonight was the night where everything would change. There was still that small glimmer of hope that Taehyung managed to grasp on to, too stubborn to let it go as he quietly ate his homemade dinner, his mother sitting beside him and his father across from her; Jeongguk's other side.

It remained quiet, no words were said as they ate their dinner in utter silence. Taehyung didn't know whether or not if he should be grateful for a peaceful night in the Kim's residence, but a small part of him wished someone would strike up a conversation before he dropped his bombshell of news that would cause all hell to break loose.

Taehyung didn't have the balls to even speak upon anything current in his life. So far, he wanted everything to remain a mystery until he announced his engagement to his parents. He just hoped they would take it well and not create a mess and meaningless fight to try and get their son to change his mind and marry a nice, pretty girl who was more "suited" for him.

He just stayed quiet, hoping and praying he could avoid an inevitably uncomfortable conversation.

"So, Taehyung, what's new in your life?" His mother had set her chopsticks down, reaching for her glass of white wine.

"Damn," He whispered, shoulders sagging, sighing defeatedly as Jeongguk nudged him with his elbow.

"I'm sorry?" Mia had asked, bringing her glass to her lips as Taehyung quickly shook his head, brown bangs falling in front of his eyes.

"Nothing much, really," He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, playing with his food with his chopsticks, eyes averting down to his plate of barely touched noodles. "Still working at the same place," He shrugged, purposely leaving out the other details of his whereabouts.

Jeongguk assumed they didn't know anything about where he was currently living now. How he had sold his house and moved in to Jeongguk's small apartment with his daughter, who they were sleeping in the same bed in sin. How they were now engaged after a year of dating and living together.

He assumed they knew absolutely nothing about his personal life. Taehyung remained secretive, even after he hadn't really spoken with his parents after his grandmother passed. If they would've known, they wouldn't be this calm and they certainly wouldn't be sitting here having dinner together.

"Are you still working with that Jimin boy?" She asked, tone off as she gave Taehyung a subtly disgusted look as she set her glass down by her plate.

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