31 | planned vacations & weekend getaways

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"Gguk, I think you're being a little overdramatic

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"Gguk, I think you're being a little overdramatic. It's only a weekend," Taehyung said as he packed a bag, glancing up at the aforementioned through his lashes.

Jeongguk was sat on their bed, Minjee napping beside him, covered from head to toe with her favorite blanket as she snuggled with her favorite plushies. The ravenette glanced down at the little girl snuggled into his side, gnawing on the inner wall of her bottom lip.

"I know it's only a weekend. But that means Minjee can't come with us," Jeongguk pouted, eyes trained on his daughter as Taehyung gave him a solemn look.

He sighed, tossing the shirt he had in his hands onto his bag, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "I know you want her to go, and as do I, but your therapist said you needed to relieve stress in some way," Taehyung told him, reaching a hand out and playing with the little girl's curls.

Jeongguk pouted, unable to wrap his head around leaving his daughter behind as him and his boyfriend go away for a single weekend getaway. "Do we have to? I mean, there are other ways to relieve stress," The ravenette said, glancing up.

Taehyung blushed, cheeks tinting a light shade of pink as his mind wandered off to something completely guilty and sinful. He had to look away, hiding the blush evident on his cheeks as he stared inside his opened closet. He could feel Jeongguk's eyes on the back of his head, burning holes.

Jeongguk would be lying if he said he didn't see that. He didn't mean for it to come off in that way, wanting to make a point but something utterly innocent and not at all directed in the other direction. But after the words left his mouth, he couldn't help but feel a smirk paint his face when he saw the way Taehyung looked away urgently.

"You know what I mean, hyung," Jeongguk said, shaking his head at his boyfriend and his tainted thoughts.

Taehyung just nodded, releasing a puff of breath to relax his muscles. "I know," He whispered, glancing back over with a delicate smile on his face as he reached out and grabbed the younger's hand, lacing their elegant fingers together, locking them.

"But you know he's right. You haven't been yourself lately, and we're still waiting for the results to come in since there was a hold on them," Said the older, giving him a solemn look as he hesitantly spoke about the forbidden test results that still haven't came in their mailbox yet.

"It's been two weeks," Jeongguk huffed, unlocking their hands and throwing himself back on the bed beside Minjee. Taehyung winced as he watched the little girl bounce up and down from her father's forceful impact, grimacing as he watched to see if she was woken up from her nap.

"I know, but that doesn't mean you should be stressing yourself into exhaustion," Taehyung commented, standing from the bed, continuing to pack as he gave the younger another solemn look.

Taehyung was also worried about the results to the DNA test, but he was more concerned about the ravenette on the bed who was trying to wiggle his way out of this weekend getaway with him. He really hadn't seen the boy properly sleep in a couple of weeks, which was a bit worrisome.

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