24 | thunderstorms & happy thoughts

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Weirdly enough, Jeongguk found solace in thunderstorms

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Weirdly enough, Jeongguk found solace in thunderstorms.

The pitter patter of raindrops falling onto the roof, the soothing rumbles of thunder that reminded him of a bowling alley, and the flickers of lightening that danced across the sky, highlighting the dark clouds for a split second.

He really liked it when it rained or stormed. It helped him sleep and reminded him that even the sky has sad days of their own, and it made him feel like he wasn't alone anymore.

Maybe that's why he felt relieved every time he heard the thunder rolling, saw the lightening striking, and relished in the falling raindrops smacking against the closed windows.

He loved watching them, watching the wind blow with the rains, creating puddles for kids to play in the next day. He just really enjoyed nature, and maybe it was weird he enjoyed this much, but he really didn't care. It brought him peace in a mind full of chaotic thoughts.

"Would you please get away from the window?" Taehyung pleaded from where he sat on the couch, watching the ravenette gaze out the window, watching the rain.

He worried he was too close to lightening, and it didn't seem it was going to let up any time soon, and he really didn't want his boyfriend getting hurt because of his own stupidity. And he says it with love.

Jeongguk chuckled lightly, glancing over his shoulder, eyes landing on the boy who was cuddled up on the couch with a mug of hot tea he had just made himself not even five minutes ago, eyes filled with worry as he nervously chewed on the inner wall of his cheek.

"I can't believe you don't like a little rain," He chuckled, turning a walking away from the window, keeping the curtains drawn so he could admire the storm from afar.

Taehyung gave the boy a incredulous look, "A little rain?!"

A timid chuckle left the ravenette's pretty pink lips, glancing over at him as he sat down beside the older, arm thrown over his shoulders and pulling him close to his side, placing a chaste kiss to his temple.

"Gguk, it's like a full-on hurricane happening just right outside our window," Taehyung exclaimed, gesturing to the window he wasn't fond of being completely bare from curtains.

He couldn't help but laugh at the older, kissing the top of his head as he reached for the remote in his boyfriend's hand. He pulled it away from his reach, shaking his head as he set it aside, unwilling to give it up quickly.

"Minjee's watching her show," Taehyung mumbled, taking a sip from his tea as he watched the stupid child's cartoon with the little girl who was lying on her tummy on the floor, he toys scattering the living room floor.

Jeongguk hadn't realize how much his house looked like a disaster. Her toys were literally everywhere, she dragged some plushies from her bedroom and not to mention the hair tie she pulled out of her hair when Jeongguk pulled it back into a cute sprouting ponytail on the top of her head.

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