34 | wrong & right

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"We've been here for a day and you're willing to move here?" Taehyung giggled cutely at the boy who stared out the window, watching the skiers gracefully slide down the mountain

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"We've been here for a day and you're willing to move here?" Taehyung giggled cutely at the boy who stared out the window, watching the skiers gracefully slide down the mountain. He wondered how difficult it is to ski.

He wondered if he would be able to master it.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes, running his fingers through his dark fringe. "C'mon, Tae, you can't say you wouldn't want to," Jeongguk wanted to chuckle along with him, but now he was feeling a bit self conscience.

With Taehyung laughing at him, it made him feel small— it wasn't like he was poking fun at the ravenette, but something in Jeongguk was different. Maybe he was laughing at him because he thought he was being ridiculously silly when the younger was being awfully honest.

Jeongguk would give anything to live up here— in the mountains. They had an incredible views of the mountains, able to watch skiers on the side, and it only made him want to try it more. Maybe if they were to move here he could take up some lessons around there.

"You're silly," Taehyung giggled again, walking away from him and into the kitchen part of their small room, the boiling water on the stove grasping ahold of his attention.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes again, staring out the window he seemed to not get enough of. He really enjoyed it up there. He hadn't been to the mountains before and never thought he would be able to, though it never crossed his mind to visit and see what it's like. This was more of Taehyung wanting to plan out a small getaway with the ravenette so they could spend some alone time together— to help with his stress.

At first, Jeongguk believed it to be stupid to even plan something like this. He didn't think he needed it. He thought all he needed was for those test results to come in and he would live a happy life varying the results.

But since he's been here with Taehyung, he hadn't really pondered about the test results that he still hadn't received. The thought still lingered in the back of his mind, but he didn't think too much about it because for once in a long time he was feeling better than good.

He really had Taehyung to thank for that, but he wasn't ready to say it until the mini vacation was over and they were forced to go back to their lives in Seoul. Right now, he just wanted to enjoy the moments he gets to spend with Taehyung inside of worrying about life at home.

Taehyung came up beside him, mug in hand, holding it out for the younger. "Hot chocolate?" He beamed his cute boxy grin, peering up at him.

Jeongguk wasn't really in the mood for anything sweet but didn't have the heart to decline the offer. Besides, it was already made and poured in a mug for him. "Thank you, baby," He smiled too, kissing the boy's forehead.

A faint blush dusted the older's cheeks, smiling bashfully as he nodded and stood beside him, admiring the snow white view in front of them. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Taehyung hummed, bringing his mug to his lips and taking a sip of the piping hot sweet beverage.

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