43 | midnight countdown & new year kisses

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New Year's Eve was probably Taehyung's favorite time of the year

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New Year's Eve was probably Taehyung's favorite time of the year.

Not only did he get to spend time with the people who meant a lot to him, but he was able to say goodbye to the year and wait for the new one to begin as they played with fireworks when the clock struck midnight.

It wasn't the same as Christmas— despite receiving gifts from friends and giving presents just to see the reactions given— Taehyung was safe to say New Year's was his all time favorite time of the year.

The celebration consisted of all his friends, Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi, along with the new ones he's made over the passed year. Now, Jeongguk was by his side, which his friends tagged along as Minjee played in the corner of the rooftop, in her own world and ignoring everything around her.

It was like no one existed anymore.

Jeongguk didn't mind New Year's. Though, he really didn't seem to see the point in celebrating it. It was just the day before the new year began. Nothing really special, but he wasn't going to say that aloud when Taehyung found solace in the holiday.

Taehyung always had plans when it came to the new year, resolutions and goals. He may have never stuck with the resolutions, but it was harmless to make them and say you're going to stick with them even though deep down, it was impossible to.

That's how the brunette was. He always made new goals for himself for the new year, but he could never stick to it. His friends liked to call him incompetent, but Taehyung didn't like to think of himself in such a negative tone.

He thought they were pointless but still made them anyway.

"What's your new year resolution, hyung?" Jeongguk sat by Taehyung, their group of friends gathered around a small table as they waited for the food to be done that Seokjin was cooking on a grill nearby.

Taehyung glanced over, shrugging small, "I don't really have one this year."

Jimin scoffed audibly, beer in hand, rolling his eyes at the boy, gathering the attention from around the table as Taehyung narrowed his gaze on to his best friend. Jeongguk shared a confused look between the pair, eyeing them suspiciously.

"Am I missing something?" Jeongguk uttered, leaning back in his seat, arm resting on the back of his boyfriend's chair. Taehyung was quick to shake his head, brown fringe falling over his eyes, covering his forehead.

Jimin, on the other hand, stayed quiet, sipping on his beer, eyes up on the starry night sky as Jeongguk reflected the same dumbfounded look that no one seemed to take notice in.

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