20 | through one ear & out the other

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Christmas at the Jeons house was a tradition, has been for many years

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Christmas at the Jeons house was a tradition, has been for many years. Though, this would be Minjee's second Christmas with her grandparents, and Taehyung's first.

To start the day off, Jeongguk decided to make everyone pancakes for breakfast before they had dinner at his parents' house. Taehyung was still in bed sound asleep, the alluring aroma of bacon and pancakes not strong enough to lure him awake and into the kitchen where the ravenette currently was.

Minjee was back home and Jeongguk was feeling much better. He had almost fully recovered from his concussion, much to Taehyung's help and assistance when needed.

The door squeaked open, a tray in his hands with a mug of coffee next to his plate. He saw the brunette still sound asleep, layers of blankets swallowing him as he hugged a pillow to his chest.

The younger smiled, setting the tray down on his nightstand before crawling on the bed, hovering over the sleeping boy. He peppered kisses all over his cheek, trying to wake the sleeping angel. He stirred a little, unconsciously swatting at Jeongguk as he nestled deeper into the pillows and covers.

Jeongguk chuckled, nose grazing over his skin, up his jawline and to the skin behind his ear. "Wake up, baby," He whispered sensually against the shell of his ear, causing the boy to shiver, eyes fluttering open.

His body stretched under Jeongguk, back arching beautifully off the mattress, a strip of his tummy revealed, causing the younger to bend down and leave kisses behind. Taehyung shuddered, hands flying to his head of jet-black hair, tugging on the thick locks.

This caused Jeongguk to stop, mouth capturing Taehyung's lips in a deep kiss, swallowing his moans as the boy's legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him in closer as he pulled at his hair. The ravenette caged him in, arms on either side of his head as he shoved his tongue in the older's mouth, eliciting hot moans, only to swallow them, kissing him harder to muffle the erotic noises leaving his boyfriend's sinful mouth.

He detached their lips, mouth moving to his ear, "Shh, baby. Minnie's in the other room."

Taehyung must've been unknown by how loud he was by the statement, forgetting Minjee was finally back home and sound asleep in her bedroom that was only down the hall. He pouted, hands running over his shirtless abs, evident he wanted more and didn't want to stay quiet.

"Stop making me feel good then," He hoarsely bit back, but he was only teasing.

Jeongguk hooked a hand under the boy's knee, other hand coming up and taking ahold of his wrists, pinning them above his head, "I'm not even touching you yet."

Taehyung smiled, licking inside Jeongguk's mouth, eliciting a moan from the ravenette this time.

"As much as I would love to tear into you right now, I can't," Jeongguk said in between kisses he trailed up his jawline and down his neck. "We have to be leaving shortly."

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