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Why was he so nervous?

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Why was he so nervous?

It was just a meet up with someone whom happens to work at a daycare facility. They were just meeting up so Jeongguk could ask questions.

He stayed up late last night, racking his brain for questions he just so desperately needed to ask Taehyung, hoping they were good enough and not an obvious conclusion he just gave Taehyung his number just for the hell of it.

That would be embarrassing; giving someone your number after telling them you had questions regarding something important, only to not have those inquiries and afraid an opportunity would slip past your fingers.

And that was something he didn't want was for another offer to run past him and not bothering to chase after it. Did he have a crush on Taehyung? Maybe, but the butterflies in his stomach every time he saw the man formed a tornado and made his belly hurt.

Taehyung was stunning to look at, but Jeongguk didn't know anything about his personality. Their few encounters were nice, but it wasn't something he could judge based on a few hellos and some soft laughter from stupid jokes they made along the way.

Things never once have gotten uncomfortable or awkward between the pair and Jeongguk found it strange because he was always the first to make things weird with whomever he was speaking with. He could talk about his day and say something completely off topic that would make the other question their life choices.

He wondered if Taehyung was just as awkward as him, or if he could be. Maybe he was a worse version of him or he could've been a better version, and that would be a sight for sore eyes.

Having someone like that in his life would bring him... well, he actually doesn't know. He really shouldn't even be envisioning Taehyung in his life, and not for a while.

What he should be thinking about is what he should wear to this "meet up" or "conference" with one of the hottest daycare workers on the planet instead of envisioning him in his bed, naked and slicked with sweat.

Focus, Jeon, Jeongguk shook his head, even hitting his forehead to snap the sinful erotic thoughts from multiplying as he let out a low blow of breath and opened his closet door, peering in to find something to wear.

God, he was nervous. He's never been this nervous before, and his palms were clammy as his arms grew heavy. It felt like bags of bricks were tied to his wrists and he could barely lift them as he riffled through his attire with trembling hands.

It wasn't a date, so why was he apprehensive? And if it was, he's been on plenty of dates so he should have some sort of perspective of how it should go, right?

It was all in his head. It had to have been. He gave the man his number, stressing on and on about how he had so many unanswered questions unrested in the back of his head. But the truth being, it was all an elaborate prank to give Taehyung his number.

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