37 | birthday parties & hospital rooms

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"It's not a competition, Gguk

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"It's not a competition, Gguk."

The aforementioned rolled his eyes, slouching in his seat as they waited in the hospital waiting room. Taehyung listened to the pair bicker, chuckling as he held Minjee on his lap, the little girl preoccupied with the strings to his favorite hoodie.

Jeongguk glanced up, lips pressed in a tight line, arms folded over his chest firmly. "Minjee was two pounds when she was born," He stated. "I'll be damned if you have a baby smaller than mine."

"She's not a baby anymore," Taehyung nudged hun with his elbow, the edges of his lips twitching up. Jeongguk waved him off, too invest in his conversation with Seokjin.

"Jeongguk, do you hear how stupid you sound right now?" The older rolled his eyes, shaking his head incredulously at the boy. "Your niece is being born and you're too focused on whose baby is going to be the smallest?"

Jeongguk opened his mouth, only to be jabbed in the side by Taehyung's fingers. He yelped, rubbing his ribs where the older had stabbed him with his nails, glaring at the brunette with a hard scowl on his face.

"It doesn't matter how small the baby's gonna be," Taehyung told him, giving the younger a pointed look. "You're still going to love her with all your heart because in the end, they all grow up to be independent individuals."

Seokjin stared at the brunette, dark irises on him. It was like there was a sudden click in his head, because he gasped, hand smacking against the side of his head as he pointed at Taehyung, jaw ajar and eyes wide.

"That's right! Minjee's turning two in a month!" His loud voice was causing others in the waiting room to stare. Jeongguk could feel the heat rush to his cheeks with all eyes now on them, the weird looks interlacing their once relaxed features.

"Can you keep your voice down?" Jeongguk asked through clenched teeth, gaze narrowing on to him. Taehyung only chuckled, not minding all the unwanted attention as he watched a flustered Jeongguk try to hide himself away from all the uncomfortable stares.

"Sorry," Seokjin rubbed the back of his neck, sheepishly. "Kinda got a little too excited there."

The youngest of the trio rolled his eyes, sinking in the uncomfortable hospital waiting room chair, throwing the hood of his jacket over his head, hoping it would block out all of the stares and weird looks tossed their way.

There was one thing Jeongguk didn't like; unwanted attention from strangers in a public place.

"Anyway," Seokjin drawled out, clearing his throat as he pulled up a chair to place in front of the couple. "What do you have planned?"

"You mean like a birthday party or something?" Jeongguk asked with a quirked brow as Seokjin nodded his head dumbly. "I haven't thought that far ahead, hyung. You know my brain can only handle so much."

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