42 | forgive & forget

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until the epilogue

"Do you still love him?" Jeongguk couldn't help but ask as they drove home in silence, neither male taking the opportunity to speak over everything hanging over their heads like a mistletoe dangling from the ceiling

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"Do you still love him?" Jeongguk couldn't help but ask as they drove home in silence, neither male taking the opportunity to speak over everything hanging over their heads like a mistletoe dangling from the ceiling.

Taehyung looked over, the skin between his eyebrows creasing, lips parting in obvious confusion, slight taken aback by the younger's question. He never expected those exact words and that sentence to ever come out of Jeongguk's mouth.

To say he was shocked was an understatement. He was bewildered, stunned, and even hurt Jeongguk wouldn't ask such a question like that. It made Taehyung feel stupid, wondering if Jeongguk trusted him at all.

"Why are you even asking that? What are you insinuating?" He asked the boy, tone a bit rushed, suddenly impatient for the other's response as he sat there with a scowl on his face. But all in all, he was hurt.

"That doesn't answer my question," Jeongguk decided to ignore Taehyung's own questions, keeping his eyes on the road, hand gripping the wheel so tight, his knuckles were as white as paper. God. He was so fucking mad.

Of all nights, San had to choose that restaurant. He didn't even know this man existed until tonight. Jeongguk's heard about all of Taehyung's exes, but the fact that he joined them for dinner as he waited for his date to arrive, the ravenette was livid throughout the entire course of their meal.

Taehyung didn't say anything as a protest when the waitress suggested they'd share a table, only smiling with a small nod of his head. Jeongguk was hurt by that, unsure of what to even do in a situation like this as he watched his boyfriend from across from him, sit beside the man he once loved.

"San was my first love," Taehyung told him, but that answer didn't make Jeongguk feel any better about his question.

"That still doesn't answer my question, Taehyung," He said sternly, as if he were warning the boy to watch his words carefully. Anything could set the younger off, and Taehyung didn't want their night to be more of a mess than what it already was.

"No, I don't love him," He firmly shook his head, dark fringe falling over his eyes. "Not the same way I love you, at least."

He doesn't know if they should make him feel better. Either way, Taehyung still feels something for this San guy, and he didn't know how to feel about it. He was frustrated and annoyed that he even showed up to the same restaurant as them, ruining their night and most importantly, everything Jeongguk had planned for that night.

He ruined the proposal. Jeongguk couldn't go through with it. It'd just put them in an awkward position, and he hated the way Taehyung looked at the man. It was like he finally found his missing puzzle piece but couldn't hold on to it for the life of him. He felt so much anger towards Taehyung and bitter resentment towards San.

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