23 | visible hickeys & annoying spouses

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The first thing that came to Jeongguk's mind when he woke up the next morning was last night was fucking amazing

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The first thing that came to Jeongguk's mind when he woke up the next morning was last night was fucking amazing.

The next morning he woke up feeling replenished, hips still aching a little from his intense stamina as Taehyung remained asleep beside him, snuggled under the thick comforter, facing away from the younger.

He looked over his shoulder, eyes lingering on the boy's bare back, memories flashing through his mind. Memories of last night clouded his vision, and all he could see was when he had Taehyung on his hands and knees, bare back the only thing he could see.

With his disheveled hair and puffy face, Jeongguk mentally cooed, placing a delicate kiss to his bare shoulder blade, being sure to not wake the sleeping boy as he carefully slipped out of bed, pulling a pair of sweats on before quietly leaving the bedroom.

His stomach grumbled as he entered the kitchen, starting a fresh pot of coffee before tackling the pancakes.

He couldn't help but let his mind wander to last night, reminiscing the loud moans that were tattooed in his brain for the rest of his life, the noises he's been eager to hear since the day he met the older.

And to say he wasn't dissatisfied was an understatement.

He really couldn't believe last night even happened. Even after he had told Seokjin confidently that sex wasn't even going to be an option. All he wanted to focus on was having a good time and share a great moment with the older.

After they had gotten home last night, things had taken an unexpected turn. He wasn't expecting Taehyung to fall in a small pit of depression after he had gotten tipsy on wine, but maybe that was to be expected since the boy wasn't a normal drunk.

And by normal, Jeongguk means he's not a fun drunk. One where they party, dance and make a fool of themselves. He was the type to fall into a pit of emotions, unable to swim his way out. The only thing that seemed to sober him up was having mind blowing sex.

Not that Jeongguk was complaining, but found it rather amusing.

He couldn't think of last night anymore. He was feeling that same burning coil in him tighten, mind wandering to the way Taehyung's body beautifully arched off the bed, moans lingering in the bedroom, clothes scattered along the floor, bedsheets disheveled and mind fuzzy.

He couldn't get the way Taehyung looked out of his head; utterly mind fucked and disoriented. God, he was going to be the fucking death of him, he swears.

He chuckled at those words, remembering how Taehyung had spoken those to him in the middle of sex. And he really couldn't agree more. Maybe they'll be the cause of each other's deaths. Who knows?

When the pancakes and coffee were done, Jeongguk made his way back to their shared bedroom, nudging the door open with his foot and peering inside to see Taehyung now awake and scrolling lazily through his phone.

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