13 | the flu & hot tea

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Jeongguk hadn't heard from Taehyung in a week, and it was starting to become worrisome

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Jeongguk hadn't heard from Taehyung in a week, and it was starting to become worrisome.

Every day the boys would text during the day and call at night, right before either of them had to go to bed, but this past week has been the most different and straining week Jeongguk has ever had to experience in his life, and it was all because Taehyung would answer his messages or pick up his phone, causing him to be in a state of panic.

Despite it being weird and a foreign feeling, Jeongguk gave the boy the benefit of the doubt and continued on with his week by taking car of Minjee and pulling extra hours at the office, needing to get caught up on bills he was late on.

A week and a half passes and Jeongguk is growing more and more concerned for the other's wellbeing, causing him to check his phone every now and then to make sure the pretty brunette boy hadn't messaged him.

As much as he wished for Taehyung to pick up his phone any time now, Jeongguk couldn't help but come up with ways to get the male to answer his simple texts.

They were nothing extreme or possessive, genuinely considered why Taehyung hadn't called him back after a week and a half. It wasn't like him at all; to ignore phone calls and text messages. He hadn't even seen him at the daycare.

It was always the same excuse from Jimin, and nothing ever really changed.

"He's running late but should be here soon."

"Don't worry about him. I'm sure he's fine."

"He's in his office but doesn't want to be bothered."

Everything was the same. If it wasn't one excuse, it was one of the very many others that slipped past his plump lips that Jeongguk couldn't help but wonder if they were lies just to cover up for his best friend who evidently didn't want to see the ravenette anymore, so avoidance was his best option.

This was twice now. This is the second time Taehyung had pulled something like this. Jeongguk should've known it was going too well. Everything was. Their relationship, their lives, their jobs— everything was too perfect and he should've known. He should've known it wouldn't last long.

Nothing ever does and he feels so fucking stupid now. So stupid for having hope after being with Grace. Hope he would some day find love and complete his little family. Find that missing puzzle piece to his heart where the hole only seemed to grow bigger in size; a perfect fist.

Why does he always do this to himself? Why does he always get his hopes up with someone he should've known was out of his league?

Here's the thing, Jeongguk shouldn't be growing attached to someone he's been going out with for only a month and a half, but he did because he really thought this time would be different and wanted to give it the biggest chance he has ever given literally anything his whole life, so being with Taehyung was so much easier than his past relationships.

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