17 | trash funeral & heated stuff

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"I'm just gonna be honest; that funeral was trash," Taehyung slammed the door shut behind him, throwing his things onto the table with a strangled groan, causing Jeongguk to enter the kitchen with stitched eyebrows

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"I'm just gonna be honest; that funeral was trash," Taehyung slammed the door shut behind him, throwing his things onto the table with a strangled groan, causing Jeongguk to enter the kitchen with stitched eyebrows.

He set his phone on the counter by the coffee pot, walking up to the boy with crossed arms, "What happened?"

"It was so fucking ridiculous I don't even wanna talk about it," Taehyung snapped, holding a hand up at him as he violently tugged his jacket off, throwing it to the side as well.

Jeongguk took a step back, hands held in surrender as he tried not being the brunette's next target. "Tae, calm down and tell me what happened," He said to him, hesitantly making his way back to him with his hands still held up in defense, preparing himself for an abrupt outburst from the boy.

Taehyung exhaled a sharp breath, arms crossed as he glared up at Jeongguk, making him wonder if he had done something wrong. He decided not to go to the funeral for a number of reasons. The main one being: he didn't want to ruin this experience for the brunette by stirring an uproar by appearing as Taehyung's boyfriend. Particularly since his family was on the homophobic side of the radar.

"I get there, right? I see the casket, I see all the flowers and the arrangements and everything they picked out for her," Taehyung's jaw tensed as he looked away, causing Jeongguk to place his hands on his shoulders, coaxing him to calm down.

"I thought it was really pretty. The flowers complimented the casket well since it was white, and it just made everything look heavenly," He continued, exhaling slowly to finish the story. But then I notice something."

He pauses, glaring up at Jeongguk, causing him to feel a bit small under the sneering glare, debating if he should remove his hands from the older. He was pretty pissy and he didn't want to anger him more, but he didn't want to make things worse by not being at least somewhat comforting.

Jeongguk was hesitant when he opened his mouth, "What'd you see?"

He expected Taehyung to tell him how the flowers weren't placed right, or if there was a crack in one of the vases, or even a smudge on the white casket. Hell, he thought maybe it had something to do with the food and the catering business they had hired for the job.

He really didn't think of anything beyond worse than that.

"I then realized none of it was what my grandma wanted," He stated bitterly, arms crossing over his chest again as he scoffed, shaking his head. "And guess who was in charge of the funeral arrangements. My fucking parents. That's who."

"She explicitly said she wanted a black casket, a combination of flowers which included pink and white water lilies, sunflowers and hydrangeas. Not the basic funeral flower bouquets that every other fucking funeral has," His voice was growing increasingly louder with each syllable, his frustrations taking over every part of him as he shouted around Jeongguk.

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