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E P I L O G U Eonce upon a time & happy ever afters

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once upon a time & happy ever afters

"This is it?"

"Yep," Jeongguk nodded, glancing at the large building through the front windshield of his vehicle, one hand remaining on the steering wheel as the other rested on his thigh.

He looked over at the boy, grinning a soft smile as he reached over and laced their fingers together, squeezing his hand reassuringly. He could feel his nervousness radiate from him, the sound of his foot tapping along the floorboard of his car echoing through the small space around them.

"I-I don't know if I can do this," Taehyung whispered, unable to tear his gaze away from the rather large, towering building in front of him, hand subconsciously squeezing Jeongguk's a little tighter.

He heard the younger chuckle beside him, hearing a faint smile within his snicker that had Taehyung turning his neck, gazing at the ravenette who wore a fond grin on his baby pink lips. He wanted to smile too, but his heart wouldn't stop thundering in his chest, an invisible hand wrapping around his neck, restricting all air passage.

He felt sick.

"We don't have to do this if you're not ready, Tae," Jeongguk assured the boy, voice soft, brittle even as he gazed at his husband lovingly. Taehyung swallowed dryly, nodding.

"I just..." Taehyung paused, looking away and back at the front doors to the building. Jeongguk raised a brow, coaxing him to finish. "I know how much you want this, but I'm freaking out on the inside," He finished, voice small.

Jeongguk snickered again, pulling his hand out of the other's and unbuckling his seatbelt. "Baby, I'm going to be right there with you, okay? Nothing's gonna happen," He told him, shifting in his seat to face the older.

This made Taehyung glance over in his direction, gulping down the knot forming in his throat. "P-Promise?" He asked, voice smaller than Jeongguk has ever heard it before.

The younger nodded, smiling gently at the boy as he reached over and grabbed his hand again, bringing the back of his palm to his lips, placing a chaste kiss to the caramel skin.

"Have I ever broken my promises before?"

Taehyung smiled at this, a blush tinting his puffy cheeks as he giggle cutely, shaking his head. "No," He said to him, looking away so the younger didn't see him flustered.

"The sooner we get in there, the sooner we can get out of here and spend some quality time together," Jeongguk said, tugging on the boy's hand, urging him to get out of the car.

Taehyung nodded, gathering as much courage and strength he could manage as he exited the vehicle, Jeongguk slowly following behind him. The doors to the car slammed shut, but Taehyung couldn't hear anything else around him besides the own buzzing in his ears. He couldn't think straight. Nothing was really making sense as the newly married couple approached the building, hand in hand.

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