02 | stained shirts & wrinkled wallets

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oof, work has been killing me.
covid is hitting my state pretty badly
again and we may have another
lockdown, which sucks :(

oh well i guess, lol. anyway,
i was bored and decided to write
the next chapter for yall.
hope y'all enjoy :)

"Sorry we didn't stay long after the party," Seokjin began as they entered their favorite meet-up restaurant that was only a few blocks away from their jobs, "Namjoon and I had some business to attend to

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"Sorry we didn't stay long after the party," Seokjin began as they entered their favorite meet-up restaurant that was only a few blocks away from their jobs, "Namjoon and I had some business to attend to."

Jeongguk looked over with creased brows, mind already in the gutter as he gave the older a disgusted look. Namjoon glanced over, seeing the face that Jeongguk was making, causing him to shake his head almost immediately.

"No, it's not like that," Namjoon said, shaking his head.

Jeongguk scoffed, "Yeah right."

Seokjin chuckled, lightly shoving Jeongguk's shoulder a little as they grabbed their seats. "It's really not like that," Seokjin told him— reassuring him nothing like that happened or what he was talking about. "We were going over some... legal stuff."

Jeongguk raised his eyebrows, a look of utter shock etched within his tan features. He frantically looked around, making sure no one was eavesdropping, whispering, "What'd you guys do?"

The pair in front of him shared a deflated look. "It's a secret, but it's not what you're thinking about," Namjoon told him, grabbing his menu and opening it, scanning through all the dishes and even seeing ones that were recently added.

"Speaking of troubles, I'm in a bit of a predicament myself," Jeongguk muttered, chin resting in the palm of his hand as he propped his elbow on the table, sighing.

Namjoon and Seokjin shared another look with each other, now deeply concerned about the ravenette. "What's wrong?" Seokjin questioned a little frantically, nervous something was wrong.

"It's nothing major, but my parents want me to put Minjee in daycare during the day while I'm at work," He answered, shrugging lamely, "And I don't know if I want to do it."

"Well... why not?" Namjoon queried, confused. He knew Jeongguk was never typically fond of daycares or anything within the school system, but he never truly knew the reason behind it.

"I'm struggling... financially," He whispered the last part, a little embarrassed that someone at this time and age was struggling to keep his head above water, and could barely pay his bills because his job was slacking with consistent clients.

"How bad is it?" The eldest of the trio asked, grimacing as he awaited the answer.

"It's nothing too bad but... I know if I don't find a permanent babysitter or enroll her in daycare, I won't make enough money to keep my apartment," Jeongguk scratched the back of his head, cheeks flushing a hue of pink.

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