11 | nothing & something

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Nothing was going according to plan, not even their plans for Halloween this year

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Nothing was going according to plan, not even their plans for Halloween this year.

There was no doubt Minjee wouldn't remember her second Halloween, but goddamn, Jeongguk was going to make it worth remembering so he could look back on this day and tell her stories when she grows old enough.

This Halloween was his first Halloween with Taehyung, and he wanted to make it worth it. They made plans to spend the holiday together, go around some neighborhoods and gather some candy.

And after, they were to settle down and watch a movie, only to stay up as late as they wanted to since Halloween landed on a weekend and they were proudly going to watch Christmas movies during the spooky night.

Jeongguk was completely shameless when it came to watching Christmas movies throughout the entire year, but he fucking blasted them during the month of October. Taehyung may call him weird but Jeongguk really didn't care.

At least he was happy, and besides, Minjee fucking loved "How The Grinch Stole Christmas."

Right now, they were carving pumpkins on the back patio. Minjee didn't quite understand what they were supposed to do, but Jeongguk took over and helped her carve her pumpkin as she happily played with its guts on the newspaper Taehyung had laid out, to easily gather the seeds and guts.

Taehyung was working on his own pumpkin, carefully keeping an eye out on the seemingly preoccupied little girl that seemed absolutely fascinated with the moist, orange goo that spilt from her decapitated fruit.

Taehyung smiled as he watched her, hands sticky from the pumpkin guts that clung to her tiny hands. She tried flicking some off her fingers, shaking her hands in hope to get rid of the nasty, sticky goo feeling it was leaving behind.

The brunette giggled, carving his pumpkin with the carving kit they found at the store. The blades were fucking dull and Jeongguk was growing annoyed, causing him to go to the kitchen and grab a kitchen knife after he broke the blade to three pumpkin carving knives.

"Fuck!" Jeongguk exclaimed, voice traveling through the air and causing Taehyung to look at him with widened eyes.

"What happened?" He asked, dropping his own blade and abandoning his pumpkin to aid the ravenette, grabbing his hand and inspecting it for any cuts or lacerations.

"Are you okay? I'm not seeing any blood," He rambled, still inspecting both hands and anything that could've been near the blade at the time.

Jeongguk looked at him weirdly, glancing between his hand and Taehyung's eyes, the skin between his eyebrows furrowed, "What're you doing?"

Taehyung looked up, "Looking for cuts."

"Why?" Jeongguk asked, ignoring the tingling feeling spreading through the palm of his hand and up his arm. The more Taehyung touched him, the warming his hand grew.

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